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Are you an Etsy shop owner looking to increase your sales and build your brand? An often-overlooked platform to do this is Pinterest for Etsy. Tons of business owners are receiving excellent results from putting this it to work for them.
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Promote Etsy on Pinterest: Know the Ways to Make Your Business Venture a Success
Starting an online business of selling creative and unique goods is fun and exciting. It is even more exciting when you start off to make some sales and your excitement can escalate with your sales finally skyrocketing forward and your products continue to sell successfully.
However, in the real world of selling goods and services, getting your products to sell well takes a lot of time and a lot of hard work, so how do you make more money on Etsy? Those who have a unique and creative product that many people need or want to buy is difficult in the beginning because people do not know where you are and what you are selling. You must make yourself known in the niche the holds your interest enough to sell your ideas to the public.
Etsy, a Popular Online Selling Platform
How to pin etsy items on Pinterest to bring in Fantastic Sales
If you are a rookie Etsy store owner it may be slow going for a while, however, if you read all you can about Pinterest and Etsy you may be able to increase sales early in your efforts. Those who post to Etsy do so because they have unique and creative products to sell that possibly a lot of people either need or desire to buy. If you have a shop on Etsy it is possible to promote your shop on Pinterest by posting information about your shop, products you make, and the prices you charge.
To sell your creative products from your Etsy shop you must start pinning your information. Marketing is the key that holds every company’s success. You must learn how to market on Pinterest by pinning. Successful marketing techniques mean ongoing profits for your business.
You market your shop by forming a range of boards on Pinterest. You flaunt your personality, style, and taste so that those visiting can see enough pins that your information is well worth the effort to follow. One board can contain some or all of the products you sell in your shop on Etsy. The key is to keep sharing your inventory and the price they carry each piece separately. Market a Pinterest board with gift ideas and your prices.
How to make money online with Pinterest using the Right Keywords
Pinning on Pinterest should be SEO friendly. Use keywords that rank high on Google along with eye-catching content on your boards. Communicate with others on Pinterest who read your posts. To find you on Pinterest and Etsy you must use prime keywords that will place you on the first or second page on Google. Keywords are vital to bringing people to your storefront. You must use the right keywords to make ongoing sales.
You have creative and unique products in your Etsy shop, so pin these items on your Pinterest board. Be sure to pin items individually and add a URL that takes the person to your Etsy shop. Go to Pinterest and to the bottom right corner where there is a plus sign and click on this plus sign and then click on the upload pin. SEO recognition or presence is everything in the Etsy search engine. You need to create an eye-catching and interesting store. Advertise on social media platforms. Blogs are important to create and keep updated as blogs, let your followers know where you are at in your company. Work to become a name in your arena and be good at what you create and sell.
It is vital to know your followers and that their interests are in line with your interests. You must set up an account for your company and purchase pins. Become a popular and astute pinning champion through using Rich Pins and Promoted Pins. Monitor your marketing campaigns. There are a lot of different ways in which you can sell your Etsy goods on Pinterest and it will not cost you a penny. The first step is to initiate a referral program for your Etsy store and make certain that you have come up with a highly unique product. Friends and family members are an excellent way to start telling others about your goods.
Post your interest in Etsy products on social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. You must set up accounts on these sites. Entice followers with discounts, offers, and perks for limited times. Pinterest proves over and over with many Etsy users how vital Pinterest is to their company.
Read on for 15 tips on how to use Pinterest to promote your Etsy shop.
1. Use the Same Profile Picture that You Do On All Social Media
If you have 10 social media accounts but have different profile pictures for each one, your audience may not be sure if it is the same shop. Having a consistent brand throughout makes you recognizable. Choose one profile picture for all accounts.
2. Understand that Pinterest is a Search Engine, Not Just a DIY Board
Many business owners mistake Pinterest as simply a place for moms to share recipes and arts and crafts projects. That is a big mistake. Pinterest is more than just a website full of pictures. It actually acts much more like a search engine than anything else. Pinterest pages show up in Google search results, too. Do not ignore this valuable platform.
3. Keywords are Important Here Too
Because Pinterest acts as a search engine, it is very important to pay attention to keywords as these will help interested people find your pins and products.
4. Titles and Headlines are Just As Important
Again, as this is a search engine, the right titles and headlines can make a huge difference for your Etsy shop.
5. Make It Easy for Your Audience to Share Your Images and Products
Add a Pin It Button to your Etsy shop so your shoppers can share your products on their Pinterest accounts.
6. Create Eye-Catching Images That They Will Want to Share
Adding a Pin It button will do no good if the image is low quality. Pinterest is full of bright, well-lit photos. Be sure that your images look good so your shoppers will want to share them.

7. Pin Consistently on Pinterest for Etsy
Pinterest is an extremely active platform. Images are being pinned and re-pinned constantly. Some people pin up to 100 times a day. In order to stay relevant, you need to pin constantly as well.
8. Remember That Quality is Much More Important Than Quantity
A note on the consistency: pinning a bunch of low-quality images will not help you. Quality is the key here, so it is better to re-pin the same 20 images over and over again while you make new ones than to rush and make 100 bad quality ones.
9. Pin at Different Times Through the Day
Just as you have probably noticed shoppers visit your shops at different times throughout the day, the same is true with Pinterest. Do not post all of your pins at once. Instead, spread them out through the day.
10. Schedule Your Pins in Advance to Help You Stay Consistent
As an Etsy shop owner, you have tons of other tasks that need your attention, so you are probably wondering how on earth you will put this much effort into Pinterest. The good news is there are tons of social media schedulers available now that will pin to your board for you. After you have set your account up and created your pins, you can schedule them in one of these schedulers, such as Tailwind, and you can get back to other tasks.
11. Pin Other People’s Pins, Too
Remember the golden rule? “Do unto others…”? Not only is that the kind way to live, but it can help build your Pinterest account, too. Sharing other people’s content will help them, sure, but curating their content will get extra eyes on yours, as well.
12. Do Not Be All Business
Remember that these are people looking at your pins. You should act like a human, too. Many business owners add boards to their account of stuff that they like just to have another way to connect to their audience. Show that you are there for more than sales.
13. Link Up With Other Etsy Shop Owners
Connect with other Etsy shop owners. If they are currently or wish to begin using Pinterest marketing for Etsy, you can help one another out. You can create collaboration boards, share one another’s products, etc.
14. Respond to Your Commenters
When someone comments on your pins, respond to them. This is one way to build relationships.
15. Link Your Images to a Great Landing Page
All the great pins in the world will do no good if you lose your shoppers on your landing page. Pay close attention to your shop, make it user-friendly with great images and attractive descriptions. Link your pins to the page once you are sure your shoppers will appreciate the first view they have.