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What comes to mind when you hear the word “Pinterest”? Pretty pictures in a collection? Recipes, decorations, and clothes? Something light and fun, right? But what if I were to tell that you that Pinterest can be used to enhance your business and all you need is the Pinterest keyword tool? It does make sense in a way. Pinterest is a social media site after all. You can promote your business on the site. How is that even possible?

It’s not as impossible as you think. Here are some tips to help your business through Pinterest trends.

Pinterest Keyword Tool For Pinterest Keyword Research

Pinterest keywords are like the lifeblood on the internet. It’s how you find anything and everything. You want your business to be found easily, don’t you? You are going to have to use keywords to make that work. How are you going to pull this off?

You have to have a Pinterest account for this to work. You can use the site itself. It’s rather easy to find. Just type in the Pinterest Trends Tool and you can find it. Then you put in your desired keywords in the “enter search term” box.

Pinterest keyword tool - laura rike

Now choose one of the keywords you think would be a best fit for your pin and the destination url you are looking to upload.

Pinterest keyword tool & how to rank on pinterest

This tool will suggest terms for you and show you what is currently ranking and trending for Pinterest seo to help you more easily rank on Pinterest using this Pinterest keyword tool.

Looking for a complete Pinterest keyword swipe file that makes it easy to get noticed, get re-pinned, and blow up your website traffic (and sale) in MINUTES with highly ranked keywords for your niche? Check out my Pintastic Toolkit. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re in need of a new approach on Pinterest, I pour my industry experience, expertise, and unique value proposition in the toolkit & you’ll be sure to achieve the results you’ve been looking for.
Pinterest seo with the pinterest keyword tool

You can add multiple terms and Pinterest keywords to compare which will be best for your current needs.

You will be easily found through your keywords. Your customers can just type in your keywords and you will be found with ease. Another way is to click on your pinned items in your collection. Write a short description about said item and use 3-5 keywords.

How to do keyword research on Pinterest

There are some tips to keep in mind when you are working with your keywords. First, you will want to put in keywords that relevant to your business. Going for popular words that have nothing to do with your business is just clickbait. That’s dishonest and it’s too desperate. No one really likes clickbait.

Next, try and make your keywords stand out. Too many generic keywords will cause you to get lost in the shuffle. You won’t get many views that way. Just come up with a small amount of unique keywords and you will be found with ease.

Pinterest keyword tool & how to rank on pinterest

What keywords to Put In a Pinterest Description

Another way to drive up traffic on your Pinterest is by the description. You have to get this part right. Your Pinterest description is like a business card to your Pinterest. You want to show an accurate description of what you are all about. Which is why you have to know what to put in Pinterest description. How to go about doing that?

The best way to write a really solid Pinterest description is to write information that is relevant to what your business is about. Again, if you put in popular words that have nothing to do with what your business is about, you are just being deceitful for the clicks.

If your potential buyers click your Pinterest expecting one thing and end up looking at another, they are going to feel cheated. Don’t do that. You will not build a good base with your customers. Be honest in what your business is about in your description. Everyone will benefit better that way.

How to use Keywords on Pinterest by Optimizing Your Pin Descriptions

Keep your description sweet and simple. You do not need to write out a whole novel in your Pinterest description. You have 500 characters for the description but as Pinterest shows us above, people will usually see the first 50 characters when clicking on your pin. So keep the most important keyword rich information at the beginning while keeping the whole description to the point.

Most people have a short attention span online. The way you want to attract people is to have something interesting and short just to draw in their attention.

Pictures are usually the way to go but you can’t really put pictures in a description, can you? Instead, keep your Pinterest description short and to the point.

Are you wondering what metrics will help you scale on Pinterest? Jump to: 3 Pinterest Metrics You Should Be Monitoring

How to find keywords for Pinterest & rank on Pinterest

Pinterest is an incredible social platform. With the right promotional tactics, it can drive serious traffic to your website.

Let’s say that you are in the business of mindset coaching. I am going to give you some examples of what to do to rank higher in the search feed of Pinterest.

Are You A Service-Based Business? Jump to: How to double your traffic & 10x your email list!

Here are 5 elements and strategies behind successful, viral Pinterest images:

  1. High-Quality Background Photos, Stock Photos or Product Photos:

    The background of your pins should be a pattern, color, or high-resolution photo that relates to the topic. Make sure it directly reflects the majority of your article / service/ product that you are leading to, rather than displaying a cute puppy in the sunset for a blog about how to live the life you were meant to, by releasing mindset blocks.

    It’s ok for the featured image of your article to be the same as your Pinterest photo as it will create a synergistic look and help people know they are in the right spot after clicking.
  2. Overlay Text in a Clear Readable Font:

    Comic Sans is out of the question. Unless you’re creating an infographic, keep the amount of text within your pin to a minimum. Use your blog title or a variation of the title with different keywords that will motivate users scrolling through their feed to click on and save your pin.
  3. Detailed Titles and Keyword Rich Descriptions:

    This will help it get the attention that you want it to get. Optimizing your pin’s title and description is a key part of the Pinterest SEO process. SPEND TIME HERE. Don’t just rush through this or everything else will feel like a waste. Take time to do your homework and properly go through the steps for strong pinterest keyword research, which is why the above pinterest keyword tool comes in handy.

    The file name, alt description, and tags of this image that are being pinned from your website should include the content title and any other related keywords that you acquire from doing keyword and competitive research.
  4. Proper Pinterest Image Size:

    Anyone can put a picture up on Pinterest. The image has to be the right size. Not too big and not too small. The recommended dimensions for a Pinterest image are 735px x 1102px or 1000px x 1500px. These are my two favorites and images with these dimensions typically perform better from what I have seen with our clients . Use these custom dimensions in the graphic design program of your choice (see the next section for software suggestions).
  5. Consistent Theme:

    Using a consistent theme throughout all of your Pinterest images both looks attractive and helps boost brand awareness. If you find a certain layout or template that works well, stick with it. Save time making each new article’s Pinterest image by simply replacing the background photo and text within your custom template.

    Consistency makes you look more professional for your brand. Keep in mind what kind of audience you are selling to, what the customer journey is you have laid out for them, how to speak their love language and providing true value for them always!

For everything to work properly, you have to know your audience and cater to them.

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Laura Rike
Laura Rike is a Pinterest Powerhouse. She helps high-performing business owners, content creators & influencers (like YOU) grow PROFITABILITY the right way with SUSTAINABLE systems, so you can be found first without tantrums over tech and trading sleep for success. She has helped clients and students bring in over 50k+ in revenue month after month. Laura’s clients have become industry leaders with 6-figure and up businesses, most now found on page one of Google and growing sustainably with targeted email leads daily. With over 3.2 Million monthly viewers on Pinterest alone, Laura has been featured as a guest on podcasts like Ultimate Marketer, Twin Cities Collective, and Small Business Revival

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