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Pinterest is a search engine and there are more than 2 billion searches that take place on this platform every month. If you are looking for ways to grow your business, then you need to know that Pinterest is responsible for five percent of all referral traffic. In this manner, Pinterest plays a critical role in helping people decide what they want to buy. If you have pins on Pinterest, then you need to know how they are doing. This is where Pinterest SEO is helpful. This starts with Pinterest tags.

How do You Verify Tags on Pinterest?

In order to verify tags on Pinterest, you need to install the Pinterest tag first. Then, you can use the Pinterest tag helper to check the event history of your Pinterest tags to make sure they are working directly. Choose your tags carefully and make sure they are generating traffic for your business.

There is a helpful extension that you can download for Google Chrome. Then, you can open your website and use the Pinterest tag helper to look at the events list.

How do I Know if Someone Pins me on Pinterest?

If someone pins you on Pinterest, then you know that you have added great content that people love. Every time someone saves you pin, their followers will also see it. This boosts your impressions, which is the number of times that people have viewed your pin. You can see how many times a pin on Pinterest has been clicked on or saved, allowing you to figure out how well each of your pins is doing.

How do I Add Tags to Pinterest?

When you add a pin on Pinterest, you should see another section underneath the description. One of these options says “add tags.” You can click on this option to add tags to your posts on Pinterest.

You can also add hashtags to your Pinterest feed to further boost your results. You should pick your tags and hashtags carefully because they are going to play major roles in the strength of your SEO campaign. Use these tags to drive traffic from your Pinterest page to your business. This might include landing pages, social media pages, or a website.

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