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One of the best ways to get results on Pinterest is by understanding your audience and the keywords that they search for.  To do this, it’s imperative that you research your target audience and industry.  That’s exactly where we started with Madeleine from madaboutfood.co

Where our food blogger client started 

When we started with this Madeleine in December of 2020, her goals were focused on cohesive branding and increased traffic to her site. She was overwhelmed with all the tasks required to keep her Pinterest active and growing. 

Why our Pinterest strategy was successful

After we researched her niche and audience, we focused on updating her profile and boards so they were full of compelling copy and using the keywords that would ensure she was found in the search results.  

food blogger

Next, we reviewed the pins she had been posting and the analytics so we could understand what Pins her audience was clicking on the most frequently. We created pins that were cohesive and descriptions that converted traffic to her site.  

Because of the team’s hard work, Madeline had a 29.4% increase in traffic from the previous month. 

Food blogger
Food blogger

How to create a recipe pin on Pinterest?

If someone wants to create a recipe pin on pinterest, they should include these two things:

  1. A link back from the image where people can go directly onto the post instead of having Pinterest send them offsite which decreases traffic coming into your website overall. Be sure you are linking this graphic back either within Pinterest itself using an “Add a Pin” button or with a clickable link in the Pinterest description.
  2. A Pinterest friendly image, such as one that is large and high quality so it looks good when pinned to Pinterest. I also suggest that you use similar colors to what is pictured for the text you put on the image so that it stands out and pops in peoples feed.

There are many ways food bloggers can use Pinterest but these two stand out: increasing traffic and making money through ads displayed on Pinterest boards related directly to recipes posted on their website/blog. Pinterest is a great search site for food bloggers to use because lots of Pinterest users are looking for recipes, so the platform will help you find a lot of new readers and increase the amount of traffic coming into your blog.

Do food bloggers still use Pinterest?

Pinterest has become less popular as a marketing platform for food bloggers, but it still has great potential to help grow their traffic and monetize, but the strategies are not the same as they were a few years ago. Pinterest can be used in multiple ways by foodies who want to use this platform to its fullest extent.

There are some things that you should do when using Pinterest for your blog:

  • Pinterest boards should be created around topics focused on food and recipes; you can use your website to link back to these Pinterest boards. You should focus on trending topics for the active boards and archive or delete any that are not serving you anymore.
  • Pinterest is a great way for food bloggers to share their written content, so it’s important that they pin blog posts often with the “Pin It” button or through WordPress.
  • Pinterest is a great way to increase followers for food bloggers because it’s not as saturated with new content.
  • Pinterest boards should be properly titled and have the appropriate amount of pins in them, so that people can find your board easily when they search on Pinterest.
  • Pinterest has a lot of different ways to keep Pinterest boards organized so food bloggers should be strategic about how they organize their Pinterest boards.
  • Pinterest can also help grow your traffic and monetize your blog because you have the option to add “buy now” buttons from relevant companies onto your pin.
  • Food blogging is all about sharing recipes, photos, tips on cooking/baking, and kitchen tools. Pinterest can be used for this because you have the option to pin any type of content on Pinterest.
  • Pinterest is a great way to drive traffic back to your blog by using specific boards that link directly back to your website.
  • Pinterest has become more visual than other social media platforms so it’s important that food bloggers keep Pinterest boards updated with new content.
  • Pinterest is a great way for food bloggers to find recipes and ingredients they can use in their own cooking/baking, so it’s important that Pinterest users are following other people on Pinterest who share relevant pins.
  • Pinterest lets you pin any type of content so Pinterest users can search for recipes, ingredients, food photos and anything in between. Pinterest also allows you to create boards specifically around these topics.
  • Pinterest is a great way for food bloggers to drive traffic back their websites because it has become very visual with the addition of pins on Pinterest that are made up of images instead of text.
Food blogger increases traffic nearly 30% in 30 days!

How to add recipe Pins to your site

1. Add Schema.org or markups between the <head> </head> section of your HTML code for each page you want to enable recipe Rich Pins on
2. Use our Rich Pins Validator to make sure we can see the Rich Pin data
3. If everything looks good, click Apply now – make sure to pick HTML tags when applying

Get more support from Pinterest here: Create recipe rich Pins on your website

If you are someone who do not want to deal with HTML code for your site, or don’t know how and you are using WordPress – look into my favorite WP Plugin: Tasty Pins. It helps you with a TON of optimization for your recipes and blogs on your site. See how I use it and my personal review here: Is the Tasty Pins WordPress Plugin Worth Your Time & Money?

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Laura Rike
Laura Rike is a Pinterest Powerhouse. She helps high-performing business owners, content creators & influencers (like YOU) grow PROFITABILITY the right way with SUSTAINABLE systems, so you can be found first without tantrums over tech and trading sleep for success. She has helped clients and students bring in over 50k+ in revenue month after month. Laura’s clients have become industry leaders with 6-figure and up businesses, most now found on page one of Google and growing sustainably with targeted email leads daily. With over 3.2 Million monthly viewers on Pinterest alone, Laura has been featured as a guest on podcasts like Ultimate Marketer, Twin Cities Collective, and Small Business Revival

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