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So you’re considering creating your first Promoted Pin (Pinterest ads) but you’re unsure if Pinterest ads are actually worth it for your brand? 

Here’s why Pinterest is the perfect platform to include in your advertising strategy.

Should i use pinterest?

Are Pinterest Ads Effective?

Like any other platform, Pinterest ads are only as effective as the ads themselves. This means a poor ad will do poorly, whereas a fantastic ad will do really well. 

The thing that stands out about Pinterest is the audience. 

With Pinterest, you have an affluent audience who is ready to buy and looking for inspiration. They are researching and looking for the perfect products. 97% of searches are unbranded, which means Pinners aren’t tied to certain brands and are open to trying new products. 

If you have the right content or products, then using Pinterest ads to reach your audience is a no-brainer.

Who Uses Pinterest the Most?

How do you know if your target audience is using Pinterest? 

Here’s a breakdown of Pinterest’s demographics and the people who are using the platform the most. 

  • 71% of Pinterest users are women, although 40% of US fathers use Pinterest as well.
  • 80% of US mothers who use the internet, also use Pinterest. 
  • 89% of US Pinners use Pinterest for inspiration when looking to buy something. 47% of Pinners use the app specifically to shop and 78% of Pinners enjoy content from brands because they find it useful.
  • The median age of a Pinterest user is 40 and 52% of millennials use Pinterest every month. Pinterest reaches 83% of women ages 25-54, who in turn make 80% of the buying decisions in their households.
  • High-income households are twice as likely to use Pinterest, with a majority of users having an annual income above $75K.

As you can see, there is a wide range of people who use Pinterest. Although there are popular demographics on Pinterest, you really won’t ever know if you have an audience there if you don’t test or try it out. 

The Best Pinterest Ads

What makes a good Pinterest Ad? 

First of all, you’ll want a high quality, beautiful, simple image that adheres to Pinterest’s sizing. In the image or video and the copy, you’ll want to lead with the hook. Pinterest says the first 30-60 characters of the copy and the first few seconds of the video are the most important, so you’ll want them to be very compelling. 

Make sure to include your brand name in the beginning as well. Pinterest research shows that Pins with a brand name in the first line of description earn two-times higher awareness. 

Include the lifestyle element in your ad, by showing someone interacting with your product. How-to’s and storytelling create successful video ads. 

And one last thing, be sure to provide continuity with your image to the copy to the link in the Pin. Each one should naturally lead to the next.

The most important thing with ads is to test, test, test. Look at your conversion rates, watch your audience, and adjust where necessary.

Pinterest Ads in Action

One of our clients generated over $10k in revenue from Pinterest ads alone last month. 

And the cost per click for that $10k in revenue was $1.33 per click.  The average CPC is $1.50, so we are under the industry standard. 

This image shows the total ad spend for the campaign.  

For another client, we ran a lead campaign.  We ran 3 separate campaigns for her in 6 days.  You can see her CPC on each of the campaigns was well below the industry average. 

As you can see, when you have the right campaign, know your ideal client, and have a great ad, Pinterest ads can be very effective. 

Ready to set up your first campaign?

With over 1,000 students already enrolled in Pin Practical Promotions, my mentor Monica knows what you need to do to be successful at running Pinterest ads. PLUS you’ll have access to some of the most successful content creators around!

Maybe you have tried to set up a campaign but didn’t get the results that you were looking for…

Maybe you don’t have a clear cut strategy behind who to target and you aren’t sure where to start when creating a promoted pin campaign…

Don’t worry I get it!

Think of me as your guardian angel that will hold your hand through the process to ensure you get the most from our time together! I can help with the strategy, optimization, design, and growth of your brand through Ad Management. Fill out the form: Promoted Pin Ad Management and let’s talk!

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Laura Rike
Laura Rike is a Pinterest Powerhouse. She helps high-performing business owners, content creators & influencers (like YOU) grow PROFITABILITY the right way with SUSTAINABLE systems, so you can be found first without tantrums over tech and trading sleep for success. She has helped clients and students bring in over 50k+ in revenue month after month. Laura’s clients have become industry leaders with 6-figure and up businesses, most now found on page one of Google and growing sustainably with targeted email leads daily. With over 3.2 Million monthly viewers on Pinterest alone, Laura has been featured as a guest on podcasts like Ultimate Marketer, Twin Cities Collective, and Small Business Revival

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