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As a rogue Pinterest Powerhouse, I absolutely love numbers, stats, and celebrating wins! So, I decided, I’m pulling the curtain back for you to show you the exact numbers we hit for our clients in October 2020.

This month, our eCommerce client that sells wood-burning markers was focused on using call to actions as often as possible. He also wanted to get his season content done early, so he knew it was ready for promotion after Thanksgiving.

Client success story: planning seasonal content early

During October, he had a huge increase compared to the previous months. His traffic increased 419% across the board. We also created all the content for his seasonal campaigns.

Scorch Marker was pleased with the results: “I call it a win! The Pinterest team is wonderful and the results speak for themselves!”

traffic increase

Maybe you are already on Pinterest but not sure of the true possibilities of the platform. Or you are just starting out and need some motivation to see the potential of the platform.

We are here for you!

Pinterest is a great platform to grow your business.

For Organic OCTOBER 2020:

Monthly Views: 26,640,875

Impressions: 58,543,071

Saves: 359,828

Clicks: 467,479

Traffic increase

For Paid OCTOBER 2020:

Impressions: 2,843,653

Saves: 4,488

Clicks: 21,999

Avg. CPC: $2.08

Avg. CPM: $18.28

Full Month Ad Spend: $8,877

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