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What one Pinterest pin, a valuable blog post, keyword rich descriptions and $10 can do for your content marketing plan!

Belive.tv is an amazing platform for those who are looking to reach a wider audience on Facebook with live video. I wanted to use this platform that I absolutely love as my case study for Pinterest paid advertising because they do not have a business account…. yet. I wanted to show you how effective the platform can be not only organically but also with Pinterest paid advertising strategies.

Looking for more visibility, leads and sales? Have amazing content, services or products that you know others will love? Click through for a case study and guide on how to create a promoted pin campaign. #pinterestmarketing #promotedpins #pinterestads


I had no idea it would end up having such a seriously crazy level of reach and engagement within a matter of a few DAYS, but it was so awesome to see the transformation take place.

Here is the pin design, description and hashtags that I came up with:

Pinterest paid marketing, more traffic, ppc, marketing for businesses.

Now not everyone is going to want to jump into a Pinterest paid advertising strategy without having a clear cut organic plan laid out. I actually highly suggest that you work on growing your organic reach & keyword search-ability first before jumping into Pinterest ads, but for this case study – I broke my own rules and went for it! 😀

There is a clear strategy that I used to create an untapped audience for Belive.Tv and I can’t wait to share it with you.

In this post I’ll take you through every step I took to create massive organic reach that ultimately lead to an amazing new traffic source for my client. I hope you can use these tips to create massive reach and engagement for your account too!



If you don’t have these pieces in place, it’s going to be hard for this strategy to work for you. You need to know who you are trying to target and what some of their hobbies, personality traits ect. is in the beginning so you can set up the action steps to ensure you hit that goal.

  • Who is your ideal client?
  • What is the number one business objective (sales, emails, traffic)?
  • What is the INTENTION behind your Pins?
  • Where will you lead your audience (home page, landing page, product page)?


You want to be sure that you consider each option when choosing your Pinterest audience targeting.

  1. Gender
  2. Ages
  3. Locations
  4. Languages
  5. Devices

Then you also have to look into the Interests. Pick topics related to your brand so you can reach people based on other Pins they engage with.

Pinterest paid advertising targeting


  • Make sure you know who you are speaking to and be clear about that in your description copy including a few keyword hashtags also.
  • Know what problem you are solving and be clear about that in your description.
  • Announce that you will be sharing a clear solution in your description letting them know if they click through they will be able to easily find that solution.
  • Ask your followers to Repin if they want to save for later or found true value in your offer. This may seem like a duh, but don’t assume people know what you want them to do. We aren’t mind readers!


By choosing the right keywords for your campaign you can reach people who are ready to act RIGHT NOW on what they find. With Promoted Pins targeting your pins can appear in search results and as related Pins. Keyword targeting helps increase in-store sales, boost traffic and drive online actions by showing your products to people ready to take the next step.

Now, you can use features like match types, negative keywords and search term reports to target and optimize search terms with more precision.

Pinterest marketing and ppc, drive traffic with paid ads.

Amazing results from a brand new pin design on Pinterest:

Here are the images to show the proof behind the claims and strategy above.

This was less than 24 hours after the pin was published and a Pinterest ad campaign was attached to it:

Pinterest paid marketing, more traffic, ppc, marketing for businesses.

This is a Pin that is literally taking off. It has received 6,870 impressions, 608 engagements and 31 click throughs to their website, which leads them to a specific blog post that then also is optimized for lead generation. These are the numbers after only 48 hours after it was published and a Pinterest paid marketing budget of $9.83.

Pinterest paid marketing, more traffic, ppc, marketing for businesses.

I can’t wait until you try this crazy awesome strategy and test out your own results! Please let me know how it goes for you!

And, in case you’d like to up-level your skills, so that you can welcome in new traffic, leads and sales, join me for my upcoming Live Pinterest Masterclass!

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Laura Rike
Laura Rike is a Pinterest Powerhouse. She helps high-performing business owners, content creators & influencers (like YOU) grow PROFITABILITY the right way with SUSTAINABLE systems, so you can be found first without tantrums over tech and trading sleep for success. She has helped clients and students bring in over 50k+ in revenue month after month. Laura’s clients have become industry leaders with 6-figure and up businesses, most now found on page one of Google and growing sustainably with targeted email leads daily. With over 3.2 Million monthly viewers on Pinterest alone, Laura has been featured as a guest on podcasts like Ultimate Marketer, Twin Cities Collective, and Small Business Revival

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