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Unlike other social media platforms, like Twitter and Facebook, Pinterest’s unique double life as a search engine means users don’t go there to passively scroll. They’re looking for a solution to a problem.

This makes Pinterest an excellent resource for marketing your coaching business.

With the right content and approach, your business, and the solutions you provide, will be the first thing users find when they’re looking to resolve a problem.

To help out, we’ve put together an easy-to-follow overview of how to use Pinterest for coaches.

Getting Started with Pinterest for Coaches

The first thing you need to do to create an effective Pinterest account is to build a solid foundation based on research.

Once that foundation is in place and is attracting an audience, you can customize it to target your ideal customer.

Keyword Research

Because Pinterest functions as a search engine, having the right keywords applied to your pins is vital to making sure they appear at the top of your audience’s search results.

The best way to ensure this is to do your keyword research.

Conducting keyword research is actually fairly simple. Find you need a title for the content you plan to pin.

Let’s say for example “5 Best Life Coaching Techniques”.

You then put that title into the Pinterest search bar and the common keywords associated with it will appear along the top of the search results. All you need to do then is include those keywords in your pin description.

Board Examples

The next step, once you’ve done your keyword research is to spy on the competition.

Jokes aside, it’s always a good idea to scope out what other professionals are doing with their board and learn from them.

Check out the boards to pop up when you search for common keywords associated with your industry and see if you can adapt any ideas or techniques that appeal to you.

How to grow your coaching business using pinterest for lead generation

Getting Leads Using Pinterest

The key to generating leads on Pinterest is to produce free content that solves a user’s problem. Actionable content that actively helps your ideal customer is the best way to get them interested in your brand.

For instance, if you’re a life coach, you might produce a series of pins on setting financial goals for both individuals and couples.

Financial planning makes up a big part of everyone’s life and you offering free effective advice on how to implement it will draw people to your brand.

Build Pinterest Funnels

Once you’ve gotten your audience interested in your content, you’ll need to turn that interest into customer investment.

One way to do that is through lead magnets. A lead magnet is a longer form of the actionable content you’re already posting, that the customer needs to enter their contact information in order to access.

For example, the end of your blog on “5 Best Life Coaching Techniques” might include a link to a PDF titled “20 Best Life Coaching Techniques” that requires email signup to access.

You can also use your content to market low ticket-price or free products and offers on the understanding that customers who have purchased from your before, are far more likely to invest in your brand again.

Create Content Consistently

Once you’ve got your keyword research, boards, lead magnets, and funnels in place, you’ll need to keep creating fresh content and pins.

Create batches of content and schedule your pins to keep your content consistently at the top of Pinterest’s search results.

How to Use Pinterest Marketing for Service Providers

While it might seem like Pinterest is best suited to product providers, the fact that most Pinterest users come to the platform looking for a solution to a problem makes it ideal for service providers.

It’s all about how you market yourself.

Steps To Attracting Clients On Pinterest

1) Position Yourself The Right Way

Since Pinterest users come to the platform looking for someone to solve their problems, the best way to attract clients is to post content that positions you as an expert at providing specific solutions.

Value-based content like how-to’s and DIY guides highlight your expertise and lead your audience to trust that you can provide effective solutions.

When they have a problem that a simple guide can’t fix, they’ll automatically think of you and your brand as a solution provider.

2) Learn From Your Analytics

Pinterest’s analytics suite is a fund of information that you can use to target your marketing efforts. Study your analytics and use them to understand what kind of content draws which audience.

Once you understand that, you can proactively target that audience by tailoring your content to match their needs.

3) Automate Your Pins with Tailwind

In order to make sure your content stays at the top of Pinterest’s search engine, you’ll need to consistently pinniing. But you’ll also need to sleep.

That’s where Tailwind comes in.

Tailwind is a social media scheduling tool that lets you batch produce content and schedule its posting to keep your content flow consistent.


Pinterest Mistakes to Stop Doing in 2021

  • Follow and Unfollow – Pinterest isn’t Instagram. You won’t draw extra traffic from constantly following and unfollowing other users. It’s time wasted that could be spent on making better content and it might trigger Pinterest’s spam filters.
  • Not scheduling your pins – Batch producing content and scheduling your pins through a social media scheduling tool like Tailwind is hands down the best content posting strategy.
  • Focussing on other people’s content – There’s a lot of advice out there about the ratio of your content to other people’s content that you should be pinning. The reality is that any content that doesn’t actively help your business is wasting your time.

What is Pinterest Relevancy & How the Pinterest Algorithm Works

Pinterest Relevancy refers to a combination of the popularity of your Pinterest profile and the content you are posting and it impacts where your content appears in the search results.

The best way to improve your Pinterest Relevancy is to consistently pin content that matches up with the keywords in your profile.

You also need to make sure that all your pins make use of the keywords you’ve researched so they are as relevant to the pin’s topic as possible.

6 Things To Do To Land Your Next Client

Now that you understand the basics of using Pinterest to market your service-based business, here are six quick steps you can take to land your next client.

1. Why Creating Free Content is Essential for Growth

It might seem like providing your services for free is wasting your time, but actionable content establishes you as a trusted solution provider and encourages your audience to think of you when they have a problem they can’t solve.

2. Create Boards That Address Needs Your Clients Have

Pinterest is unique in so much that it is a content search engine as well as a social media platform. This means people are there to look for solutions to their problems. All you have to do to draw them in is put together visually dynamic boards that provide those solutions.

3. Create Boards In Your Area Of Expertise

Always be creating content that establishes you as a professional subject matter expert. These boards will draw the attention of your perfect customer and help to convince them of the strength of your brand and services.

4. Create Pins That Link To Your Solution-Based Content

All of the pins you post should have a link back to your website. You can supplement these links with lead magnets to drive traffic to your website and collect contact information.

5. Create Pins For Your Offers

If you have a current offer, create a pin that highlights its benefits. You can use these pins to create funnels that connect low ticket offers to high ticket solutions.

6. Follow Potential Clients

Engage with your clients, follow them, comment on their pins. Building that kind of relationship helps to both engage with your audience on a more intimate level and add a personal touch to a business that encourages customers to trust your brand.

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Laura Rike
Laura Rike is a Pinterest Powerhouse. She helps high-performing business owners, content creators & influencers (like YOU) grow PROFITABILITY the right way with SUSTAINABLE systems, so you can be found first without tantrums over tech and trading sleep for success. She has helped clients and students bring in over 50k+ in revenue month after month. Laura’s clients have become industry leaders with 6-figure and up businesses, most now found on page one of Google and growing sustainably with targeted email leads daily. With over 3.2 Million monthly viewers on Pinterest alone, Laura has been featured as a guest on podcasts like Ultimate Marketer, Twin Cities Collective, and Small Business Revival

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