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While many view Pinterest as a social media platform, it is also a virtual search engine and therefore special attention on how to find Pinterest keywords needs to be apart of your strategy.

One can learn new things by scrolling through the smart feed or by typing something in the search bar. It is vital to have the right content that can meet the needs of the end-user. To capture the target market, it is essential to use keywords and descriptions on Pinterest.

With proper use of keywords and accurately describing your pin, Pinterest will put your pin in front of the right people. This will lead to more sales, subscribers, followers, and more clicks, which is the end goal.

Pins are long formed graphics of ideas found on the internet. By clicking on the pin, you can enlarge the image and visit the website that has more information on it.

What are Pinterest Keywords and How to find Pinterest keywords?

These are specific words related to your niche and pin you are posting. Pinterest is the best platform to find keywords. By clicking on the search engine on Pinterest, several trending ideas are displayed.

Identify the content that falls on your niche and use the topics as keywords.

There are two types of keywords, short tail, and long tails keywords. Short tail keywords are broad, while long-tail keywords are very specific. The use of long-tail keywords is essential as the target is more accurate.

How to find pinterest keywords.

Where to use Pinterest Keywords


It is essential to use keywords on your images. This can be achieved by naming images using the keyword. Close attention should be paid to alternate descriptions when pinning images from your website. Pinterest pulls descriptions from alt text on your image.


Guide to pinterest keywords and hashtags

Use keywords in your pin descriptions. Craft sentences telling pinners what your blog post is about using keywords. A combination of both short-tail and long-tail keywords can be used.

It is important to add descriptive keywords to your pin descriptions.

Treat your pin descriptions as you would treat the title of the web page. This assists in accurately representing the pin to help end-users find what they are searching for.

Pinterest puts much emphasis on pin descriptions the same way Google weights web page titles.


*Please note* I DO NOT use hashtags currently ( April 2024 ) because they are not searchable at this time. The information below was previously when they were searchable. I am leaving it in this blog because Pinterest flip flops on hashtags year after year.

After creating a pin description, add hashtags. Based on the Pinterest recommendation, 2-3 hashtags can be added at the end of your pin description. This helps your content become more visible on Smart Feed.

Pinterest recommends different hashtags for you as well as shows you what pins are in each hashtag.

Use the blog URL as a keyword and include it at the end as this allows anyone who clicks on it to find all your pins. A Pinterest user can use hashtags in two ways.

By typing the hashtag on the search bar, the search results will be pins that have that particular hashtag in the description. Secondly, by clicking on a hashtag in a pin’s description, all other pins containing the hashtag are displayed.

Pinterest Hashtags can also be added to Pinterest comments. Use different hashtags in each of your pin descriptions to ensure the maximum number of people see them.

It is advisable to create multiple slightly different pins for the same blog post, as this allows you to increase your reach using different hashtags. Use a combination of niche-specific, evergreen, and seasonal or event-specific hashtags for maximum reach.

Hashtag searches are displayed in reverse chronological order and in real-time. New pins with hashtags have a chance of showing up at the top of the feed of hashtag search results. Instances of low hashtags provide an excellent opportunity for businesses that have content that would fit within these hashtags search results. 


Board titles and descriptions

Board titles should have keywords as well as board descriptions. Please avoid the use of hashtags on boards as the target will not be able to click on them. To choose the right keywords, use Pinterest guided search.

This feature allows users to categorize and filter search results. Filters can also help you find encouraging words and build them to an overall strategy.


Pinterest analytics gives you great insights

Pinterest Analytics analyze who is looking into your account and what pins are clicked and viewed the most. It can identify which boards are considered the most. Rich pins provide additional information about a particular pin.

Promoted pins are bought by businesses for them to promote them.

They appear based on your activity on an advertisers site or on Pinterest. Through your feedback, a user can see more relevant information.

The performance of your profile can be analyzed by looking at the number of impressions for each pin. Pinterest analytics measures pin performance, follower growth and traffic referrals.

This achieved through measuring impressions, closeups, saves, clicks, top pins, boards and all time stats.

Are Pinterest Hashtags Used to Search Pins

Do hashtags work on Pinterest?

Using pinterest hashtags on pinterest

On Pinterest, you can use hashtags to search for Pins. You are able to click in the description of the pin and, if it has the hashtag the user is searching for, it may appear in the search results.

You can add hashtags to the account description or other places, but users won’t be able to click them.

When trying to use Pinterest hashtags for search purposes, you will find that the searches can return boards that don’t necessarily have that specific hashtag, but that include the words in the title or description.

This means that using general terms can cause a lot of unrelated things to pop up. Being more specific produces better results.

When searching for pins, you will find that the most current pins show up first. Just like on Instagram, Pinterest will give you a list of popular hashtags for suggestions when you use the hashtag symbol.

Should I add hashtags to Pinterest? How Many Hashtags?

Having too many hashtags can impact rankings, according to Pinterest for Business. If you are going to have a Promoted Pin, you are only allowed one hashtag.

While the strategy on Instagram and Twitter can be to add as many hashtags as possible in order to get more people to see content, on Pinterest you want to be strategic with hashtags and use one important hashtag.

You have 500 characters to use in your Pinterest description, so in theory, you can add up to 20 hashtags. Many users that see too many hashtags think of the pin as spammy, so it’s important to remember that while you can add multiple hashtags, it may not be a good idea to do so.

You may only want to add three to four for a new pin or promoted pin. Adding hashtags to the end of your content can help make sure users aren’t driven off by your content since they are clickable and you don’t want people to click away.

[Tweet “On Pinterest you want to be strategic with your hashtags and use one important hashtag. @laura_rike”]

Do Hashtags Work for Pinterest Contests

Since the search feature of Pinterest hashtags doesn’t work very well and it’s in your best interest to use unique hashtags, using a specific hashtag for a Pinterest contest could work.

Hashtags for Pinterest should be the opposite of ones on Twitter and Instagram; they should not be frequently used search terms. A one-of-a-kind hashtag performs much better.

One of the ways to get traction on Pinterest is by doing a Pinterest contest with the one-of-a-kind hashtag. Businesses have had success by asking participants to create a Pinterest board with the unique hashtag.

They then pin images from their website onto the board. This would enter them into the contest to win something from the company.

Not only does this provide traction on Pinterest, it can also help with discovery and brand awareness. Once the contest is over, there will still be plenty of pins from the website floating around Pinterest.

How to find Pinterest Keywords

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Laura Rike
Laura Rike is a Pinterest Powerhouse. She helps high-performing business owners, content creators & influencers (like YOU) grow PROFITABILITY the right way with SUSTAINABLE systems, so you can be found first without tantrums over tech and trading sleep for success. She has helped clients and students bring in over 50k+ in revenue month after month. Laura’s clients have become industry leaders with 6-figure and up businesses, most now found on page one of Google and growing sustainably with targeted email leads daily. With over 3.2 Million monthly viewers on Pinterest alone, Laura has been featured as a guest on podcasts like Ultimate Marketer, Twin Cities Collective, and Small Business Revival

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