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Deciding how many times a day to Pin on Pinterest needs to be strategic.

You don’t want to Pin too often or it will overwhelm your audience. But if you Pin too infrequently, then the algorithms won’t notice you.

Unfortunately, there really isn’t a magic number for how many times you should Pin each day. It’s different based on your consistent usage, your followers, your traffic, and the use of fresh content.

How often should ipin?

How many times a day should I pin?

You have heard the phrase “less is more” or “quality is better than quantity.” The same is true for Pinterest. Their algorithm is programmed to pull up the best, most relevant, and recent ideas first. So to get more engagement and traffic, you need to be spending time creating quality pins to achieve maximum distribution.

While it used to be strategic in the past, pinning the same thing over and over again won’t increase your performance.

One thing we do know though, there isn’t a magic number for the times a day to pin. It will vary by industry, current followers, amount of fresh content, and a few other things.  You will have to do a bit of testing on your own to know the right number for you and your clients. 

For our client, Happy High Achievers, we were posting 5x a day on average. We typically see 177k + impressions in 1 month.

For Fuzzy and Birch, we are posting on average 19 times a day. They see 206k + impressions a month.

You can see based on these clients results that there isn’t a magic number of times you should be posting.

The important thing to remember is that whatever you are posting, your content needs to be consistent and fresh.

What is Fresh Content?

Fresh content is images and videos that haven’t been seen before. They are new. They are fresh.

You can create several images for a single blog post or product and the first time you save that image to Pinterest, it is considered fresh.

If you are simply modifying the title, description, or alt-text, but not updating the image, that is not considered fresh content. If the image has only been slightly tweaked by moving the logo or repositioning the picture, that’s not fresh either.

Why is Fresh Content important?

Pinterest favors fresh content. In fact, Lucy Matthews, Partnerships Manager at Pinterest, explained in Tailwinds webinar in February that FRESH content is more likely to get higher distribution priority. Pinterest has shifted its algorithm towards favoring recent and relevant content.

If you’re pinning the same things over and over, you’re not going to get the return you would like. Create multiple images for one piece of content and pin your new content as soon as possible after it’s published.

Pinterest wants you to be sharing truly new and fresh content because that’s what people came to the platform for!

Boost your visibility and sales with pinterest marketing strategy

How do I create Fresh Content more often?

The best way we have found to create fresh content efficiently is by creating multiple graphics per blog post or product. This provides the opportunity to test the graphics to see what works better with your audience too.

If you are currently making 1 pin per blog post, product, or podcast episode, try experimenting with creating 3-5 images for each. As long as they have some adjustments (varying text overlays, border or color adjustments, just to name a few!), then it will count as fresh content and work with the Pinterest algorithm, instead of against it.

This can take more time to create fresh content more often, but it will be worth it in the long run. As long as you’re keeping things relevant and spreading out your pins, you are in line with what Pinterest is looking for.

Are you reading this, thinking I don’t have the time to add one more thing to my strategy? BUT you know that Pinterest can help your business, then this is for you.

I offer full management packages to bloggers, entrepreneurs, and/or corporate brands. My services are best for those who are ready to hand off their daily pinning strategy & design so they can focus back on creating products or services for their ever-growing following.

To learn more about my services please click here to email me so we can determine the best Pinterest management package that will fit your needs or simply sign up for a free consultation.

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Laura Rike
Laura Rike is a Pinterest Powerhouse. She helps high-performing business owners, content creators & influencers (like YOU) grow PROFITABILITY the right way with SUSTAINABLE systems, so you can be found first without tantrums over tech and trading sleep for success. She has helped clients and students bring in over 50k+ in revenue month after month. Laura’s clients have become industry leaders with 6-figure and up businesses, most now found on page one of Google and growing sustainably with targeted email leads daily. With over 3.2 Million monthly viewers on Pinterest alone, Laura has been featured as a guest on podcasts like Ultimate Marketer, Twin Cities Collective, and Small Business Revival

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