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While Pinterest has proven a huge boon for marketers, eCommerce entrepreneurs, and branding throughout the web, it’s still important to stay on top of how you best find your Pinterest traffic.

Because Pinterest lets you cast such a wide net and appeal to such a broad audience, learning how to find your broken pins in Analytics is key to making sure those people visiting your platform don’t encounter 404 error messages.

Dead pins and broken links like that are bad for your optics. However, using Pinterest Google Analytics tools can help you to ensure that your legacy pins and dead pins are being tidied away over time – and better, the processes to find your Pinterest landing pages are pretty intuitive.

There’s no need to crawl manually through all of your pins and Google Analytics referrals to find the problem. Who has time for that? Follow the advice below, and you’ll learn how to find your broken pins in Analytics – and fix them fast.

How to Find Your Broken Pins in Analytics

Heading to your Google Analytics dashboard is your first port of call – from there, we will be taking the appropriate steps to find your Pinterest traffic.

In Google Analytics, on the left-hand menu, click on Acquisition. In the drop-down menu below, navigate to All Traffic – and from there, click Source/Medium.

That Source and Medium menu will show each of the platforms you’ve connected to Google Analytics – so naturally, clicking Pinterest is the next step here.

Using Analytics to Find Your Pinterest Landing Pages

A big part of learning how to find your broken pins in Analytics is learning about the behaviors and preferences of your visitors – and hopefully, your customers too.

In your Google Analytics page for Pinterest, you will find that Pinterest itself is now your Primary Dimension – that’s essentially a fancy technical term for the Analytics filter you are using.

To seek out Pinterest landing pages, it’s as simple as adding a Second Dimension in the menu in front of you – you will find ’Landing Pages’ listed in the Second Dimension menu.

These Pinterest Google Analytics give you incredible insight into the number and type of people landing on your pins – but our goal is to identify broken and dead pins.

From this Google Analytics menu, you have the option to check all of your pints manually if you want to – but again, we are here to avoid a lot of time-consuming busywork.

How, then, do you identify if you have dead pins or broken links in need of your attention? Simple. Once you find your Pinterest traffic on this Analytics page, you can scroll down to identify any of your Pinterest landing pages with high bounce rates.

Google Analytics makes it simple to observe which bounce rates are affecting which landing pages, and that will aid you in sifting through your list of Pinterest Google Analytics data fast.

What to do with Pinterest Landing Pages with High Bounce Rates

High bounce rates shown in your Pinterest Google Analytics landing pages list indicate that there are problems to overcome. Luckily, doing so is simple – and involves a little light detective work to identify why these bounce rates have become so high.

First and foremost, does the link to the pin still work? What happens if you try and click on it yourself? Use the Open Link button within your Pinterest Google Analytics dashboard, and see what happens.

If the Pinterest landing page opens successfully, there is another reason why the bounce rate is so high – and that will involve some deeper work a little later on.

In the meantime, if you try to open your Pinterest landing page link and are returned a 404 error, then you have found a dead pin. That means it’s time to update that on Pinterest directly and get it ready for better Google Analytics referrals going forward.

Find the broken pin on Pinterest and fix it

It’s time to leave your Pinterest Google Analytics Landing Page dashboard behind for a moment, and jump on over to the dashboard for your Pinterest content itself.

Under Behavior in Google Analytics, open Site Content and All Pages. This is the next step in how to find your broken pins in Analytics.

From All Pages, you are able to filter down those Pinterest landing pages you have recognized as having errors or high bounce rates, and take steps to put things right.

We need to get to the bottom of why the pin is bouncing, or why the landing page is broken. Click the page you want greater data on, and then filter the relevant information out using Secondary Dimension again –this time setting that dimension as Referral Path.

The Referral Path is the portion of the pin’s web URL address that comes after the ’pinterest.com’ part. Yet you will find that, by taking that URL and pasting it into your web browser, you should be able to reach the landing page perfectly.

Editing the pin to help find your Pinterest traffic

Having identified how to find your broken pins in Analytics, editing and fixing them gives you an excellent opportunity to bring it up to date – funneling your traffic to the products and solutions you want to promote the most.

You can update the listed products, the kinds of categories, and the meta descriptions of your pins to ensure that whenever people find your Pinterest landing pages, they are both inspired to shop and motivated to think of you as a thought leader in your field.

Optimizing your pins to keep them as up-to-date as can inform Google that they are search results worth giving to customers online when they enter search terms. Timeliness is as important as SEO nowadays, and that means one of the best ways to find your Pinterest traffic is to keep your pins contemporary, appealing – and, of course, in superb working order.

Why knowing how to find your broken pins in Analytics is so important

Standing out from the rest on both Pinterest and the broader internet is an incredibly competitive game – and that means that any faults in your Pinterest Google Analytics or the web addresses for your pins can create a range of challenges to your business growth.

However, the reasoning behind learning how to find your Pinterest landing pages through Google Analytics is more than just staying on top of their functionality.  After all, each pin is its own little beacon of marketing power, and that means that each of your Pinterest landing pages ought to be at peak performance to capture and convert to its fullest potential.

Need some pointers on why it’s so important? Consider a few of these listed below.

A bolder brand identity

Trust is hard to find between marketers and consumers today, and that means a coherent, consistent, and well-presented brand identity is absolutely key.

As you find your Pinterest traffic and better get to know the kinds of people browsing your offerings, you’ll be able to dive deep into improving your pins to more effectively welcome visitors into your brand ecosphere.

With customer loyalty at a premium these days, that kind of outreach is priceless.

An improved user experience

More often than not, your Google Analytics referrals and overall Pinterest traffic will be coming from people browsing online recreationally. Because people are browsing Pinterest for pleasure and leisure, the tolerance for broken pins and dead links is far lower than the norm.

While people are inclined to persevere against technical issues when something vital is on the line, the bounce rate in your Pinterest Google Analytics will show which areas of your offering are creating friction and frustration among your user base.

Once you eliminate these errors and smooth everything over, browsers and shoppers are going to find visiting your online presence a joy – and that will keep them caring, sharing, and coming back for more.

Reduce bounce across your entire web platform

Although it may sound almost too obvious, learning how to find your broken pins in Analytics gives you the chance to reduce not only the bounce rate of legacy and dead pins – but also to reduce the bounce rate of your website and broader social media presence overall.

This isn’t simply because you are reducing how often users bounce from dead pins among your Pinterest Google Analytics dashboard. It’s because you are also demonstrating to users how viable and trustworthy your brand is, which means they’re more inclined to seek it out and commit themselves to it long-term.

An updated Pinterest copy can be made more contemporary

While the idea of evergreen content – which remains relevant no matter how much time has passed – is appealing, it also has a great range of limitations. More than this, users who find your pins are likely to be very drawn in by contemporary references, descriptors, and updated information that is as up to the minute as possible.

By understanding in depth how users find your Pinterest landing pages when using Google Analytics, you can cultivate a content strategy for them that moves with the times and keeps you in customers’ minds as a relevant and trusted part of the discourse.

This is far easier said than done, of course – but you could be pleasantly surprised how far even a little effort in this regard can take you.

Find your Pinterest traffic to optimize your conversions

Wrapping up much of the above into a broader stroke of a strategy, you will find that the more you learn about how to optimize your Pinterest Google Analytics, the better positioned you are to take advantage of conversion opportunities at every link of your value chain.

The more seamless and satisfying your user experience, the greater rapport and confidence you build with your customer base. Hesitant shoppers become that much more inclined to add items and services to their cart to check out – all with a little magic behind the scenes in your Pinterest Google Analytics dashboard.

Improving your business growth trajectory

Learning how to find your Pinterest traffic also unlocks powerful insights into the makeup of your online business presence overall. As you move beyond the nitty-gritty of fixing legacy pins and dead pin links, you’ll find that an almost organic understanding of your customer profiles and their motivations begins to form in your mind.

You might find some surprising insights into your buyer audience that enable you to consider new strategies and ways of doing things that you perhaps have never considered before.

This, in turn, has a brilliant snowballing effect, as customers and users see what you are doing and the solutions you are introducing to your brand. Feeling recognized and encouraged by the steps forward that you are taking, they are likely to create bigger orders, more positively encourage their friends to work with you, and spend more time using your services overall.

Those are some powerful after-effects of simply learning how to find your broken pins in Analytics.

Pinterest Google Analytics is more than fixing dead pins

Squashing any areas of user frustration is certainly reason enough to find your Pinterest traffic and identify those legacy pins and dead links letting your brand identity down.

Yet even that is only the beginning of a far broader positive domino effect that comes from removing 404 errors from your Pinterest landing pages. With Pinterest Google Analytics, you have powerful capabilities close at hand to more deeply understand your customer audience – as well as identify which avenues of opportunity exist to grow that client base too.

The process of learning how to find your broken pins in Analytics is a useful task to integrate into your routine. It can help you keep your content up to date and sustain contemporary brand identity – but combine that with the more pragmatic approach of ensuring any dead pins or legacy links don’t have time to disrupt your online presence for long.

Better yet – it’s almost always an easy fix!

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Laura Rike
Laura Rike is a Pinterest Powerhouse. She helps high-performing business owners, content creators & influencers (like YOU) grow PROFITABILITY the right way with SUSTAINABLE systems, so you can be found first without tantrums over tech and trading sleep for success. She has helped clients and students bring in over 50k+ in revenue month after month. Laura’s clients have become industry leaders with 6-figure and up businesses, most now found on page one of Google and growing sustainably with targeted email leads daily. With over 3.2 Million monthly viewers on Pinterest alone, Laura has been featured as a guest on podcasts like Ultimate Marketer, Twin Cities Collective, and Small Business Revival

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