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Table of Contents
Essential ways to attract customers to your online store who are ready to pay you right now.
Right now, you have an amazing product, but your sales just aren’t where you want them to be right now. Luckily, attracting new customers to an e-commerce store doesn’t actually have to be hard. You don’t actually have to reinvent the wheel. If you happen to have specific strategies and tips which we’re going to go over today and how to do so.
Strategy how you can drive more sales to your e commerce site.
I have a few things that I have put together in the agenda for today’s video that I want, I have seven things that we’re going to go over. The first thing that I want you to do is if you haven’t done this already, I want you to switch to a business account on Pinterest, or if you don’t even have an account, set one up, and I want you to verify your e commerce site with them. This is going to help you in the terms of Pinterest is going to categorize your site, you’re going to get more visibility because you are verified.
You’re not going to have to deal with copycat fraud, you’re not going to have to try to tell people yes, you are a real business and this is a real product and they’re going to benefit from it as much as someone who doesn’t have a verified website by verifying your website on Pinterest. This will give consumers the confidence to know that you are 100% in total control of your account and it’s not some fraud hipster out there trying to confuse them.
So make sure that you verify your account if you don’t know how to verify your account, you can just head over to business dot Pinterest com forward slash verify and it will walk you through step by step on what you need to do to be able to get that taken care of.
Carefully plan out what you want to sell.
Okay, so I am already selling a bunch of products Laura, what the heck do you mean carefully plan on my store, it is already set up and amazing. I know what I’m offering already. So why am I carefully planning out what I want to sell that’s already been done when I set up the business, right?

You set it up for the business. The biggest mistakes that a lot of people make when they come to Pinterest to try to get traffic from it for purchases, is they create businesses that contain popular topics on their account, but have absolutely no relation to their business whatsoever. So if you are someone who sells it works or Lularoe, right, if you are in it works and it’s health and fitness. And you go here and you tell people that you
You love women’s clothing, you’re gonna start to confuse your audience. If you are in Lula row and you go out here and you start talking about kids toys and parenting tips, you’re going to confuse people, right?
If you are someone that is a handmade business and you sell handmade products, and you go out and you have topics and pins and content related to travel destinations, you’re not going to get the results that you want to get.
So, what I want you guys to do is I want you to think of Pinterest, as like a secondary site for your business. Think of it as a way to highlight the benefits, what people are going to gain asking them if they’re struggling in certain areas and how you’re going to solve that problem for them in the things that you do on Pinterest that needs to be on the categories in your profile on the boards in the pins that you curate even. Because you want to be that light in the darkness for them, you want to show them how you can help them how they can benefit all the things right? Don’t just sell to them but make sure that what you put on your account relates to what you want to sell. Right?
Create stunning visuals with text overlay.
So a lot of times when you’re in e commerce you think that Pinterest is going to give you all this organic traffic and I have the best strategy because I was told that Pinterest can help increase my sales and then you go and you take the beautiful stock image type photos or product shot photos and you pin them onto Pinterest.
And you hear nothing.
You see nothing, no sales, no leads, no traffic.
It’s because you’re not creating stunning visual content for Pinterest, right? You want to do the ratio that Pinterest suggests that to three long skinny type images. You want to have colors that are appealing, and you don’t want to just throw up that product image because it’s not really answering any problems for them. It’s not answering the questions they may not yet know that they need your product to solve their problem.
So create those stunning visuals to help them understand, which leads us into our next point, create those helpful pins you guys, don’t just create pins that are of your product photos, or don’t just create pins of amazing layouts of maybe different products, like have a infographic and maybe have some words on their share a picture with a tip, share how they’re going to benefit. You want to help people convert into a buyer of your product by giving them inspiration and wonderful information to get them thinking top of mind about your products, right? Don’t just sell them don’t just push out the graphics you already have or have been given by your MLM company. You want to create those helpful pins
Give them a reason to wonder more, and look into your business more and will lead into number five, bait and switch your pictures. I’m not talking about the sleazy bait and switch. I’m talking about the fact that just because you are putting products out there doesn’t mean that it has to be product shot images. Why can’t you do a full-text layover image, you could tell a story on an image. One of the best parts about Pinterest is that it’s amazing for e commerce sites because you can display an amazing product shot or you can go in and you can create a stunning graphic that tells them a story before and after shows them. the why behind your business, the back scenes of your business, all the things
When you get them back to your site by showing them more, so don’t be like sleazy with this don’t bait and switch them where they don’t understand at all what they’re going to get. Don’t say you’re giving them apples and lead back to oranges. Like I’m not saying that. I’m just saying, like, you can talk to them in this image. It doesn’t have to be the visual of the foundation. Maybe you talk to them about the confidence that they can gain from having a complete look. Use your imagination.
Set Up Rich Pins On Your Account
Once you figured out that strategy, make sure that you have rich pins on your account, which I have a blog post I will link later for you to be able to do that super quick. And what it does is it gives you again, that extra boost, it gives you that extra security on your products. It shows people that you are verified and it contains products. It can also help show the price and availability. There’s the possibilities are endless with rich products for product pins for e-commerce, and then create a consistent schedule, you guys.
If you are unsure where to start or how to get rich pins fully set up check out this tutorial I wrote here: What are Rich Pins & how to Set up Rich Pins
Don’t just try it for two weeks and say I’m not seeing anything. Don’t just try it for 40 days and say, Oh, I can’t figure this out. Try it consistently I try to challenge people to try it consistently for 90 days. And if you still don’t see anything after 90 days, come talk to me and I will help you.
Pinterest Management
Are you reading this, thinking I don’t have the time to add one more thing to my strategy – BUT you know that Pinterest can help your business, then this is for you. I offer full management packages to bloggers, entrepreneurs and/or corporate brands. My services are best for those who are ready to hand off their daily pinning strategy & design so they can focus back on creating products or services for their ever-growing following.
To learn more about my services please click here & fill out the contact form so we can determine the best Pinterest management package that will fit your needs or simply sign up for a free consultation.
8 replies to "Easy E-commerce Strategies to Help You Reach More Customers"
what if your website is for albums and sending an order to me through email. Customers cannot check out themselves
Michele Douglas I would work on a strategy that gets them to the conversation first then and not always focus on traffic to your products on the site.
Michele Douglas you rock love. ❤
Michele Douglas you rock love.
How do you make these posts that you plan to go live at a certain time?
Angela Alexander I use a program called BeLive http://laurarike.com/belive *affiliatelink