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Are you an eCommerce business owner looking for ways to grow your company?

Then use Pinterest for Business as another avenue for reaching new customers. If you are already using Pinterest but are not seeing the results that you expected, here are several tips for eCommerce Pinterest for business can use to get more traffic to your website:

1. Complete your profile

Your company’s profile lets visitors know who you are and what you have to offer them. Include your photo or business logo. You can have the same photo or logo that you use in your other social media accounts.

2. Create a keyword strategy

Optimize your profile, boards, and pins by using keywords related to your e-commerce business. Pinterest acts as a search engine. So, keywords may help people find your products or services.

[Tweet “Optimize your profile, boards, and pins by using keywords related to your e-commerce business. Pinterest acts as a search engine – NOT social media! @laura_rike”]

3. Turn off “Search Privacy” 

Go to your “Account Settings” to turn off your “Search Privacy” button. Keeping the privacy button on prevents Google and other search engines from including your Pinterest profile and boards in their search results.

4. Use Pinterest Analytics 

Pinterest analytics give the average daily impressions, average daily viewers, and average monthly views of your Pinterest page. Engagement trends can help you to improve your marketing strategy and grow your audience.

5. Add your brand to your board covers 

Create board covers with colors similar to your brand’s colors. Use the same design and fonts for your covers to create a cohesive look to your boards. Add your e-commerce business name or logo to your covers.

6. Follow other businesses

Finding online businesses similar to yours helps you to see what other brands are doing as well as grow your audience.

7. Join Tailwind Tribes

Tailwind Tribes help you to find a larger audience for your content. One person owns the tribe, sets rules and invites others with related interests to join. Group boards do not have the impact as they once did, so this is why my suggestion is to use Tribes instead. I am working on a case study to show you the difference between an account with group boards and one without so you can see the impact (good or bad) it will make on your Pinterest profile.

8. Create sections within your board 

Organize your pins by dividing your board into sections. For example, if you have a board about jewelry, create sections for specific jewelry pieces such as necklaces, rings and bracelets.

9. Add topics outside of your niche

Create boards that appeal to users other than those interested in your niche. This helps others to discover your e-commerce business.

10. Pin on a regular basis

Pinning consistently encourages users to frequently visit your boards. Use a social media scheduler to schedule your pins. Pinterest users look for new pins day and night. So, you want them to find something new on your boards when they return.

11. Pin content other than your own

Pinterest is all about sharing content. Finding relevant pins from other boards places you on the board owner’s radar and the owner may follow you in return. Repinning other content also helps when you do not have much content of your own to pin.

12. Describe your pins

Make sure you thoroughly describe your pin. For instance, if you have a board about scarves, describe the scarf, recommend how to wear it and what type of clothing goes well with it.

13. Add hashtags to your pins

Hashtags categorize keywords and topics. So, adding a hashtag helps Pinterest users find pins related to specific topics. For example, if you have a board or pin about how to self-publish a book, a user can type #selfpublishing into the search bar and find pins from your board related to the topic.

14. Add a Pinterest browser button 

Go to the “About Pinterest” page on Pinterest’s website and drag the red “Pin it” button to your bookmarks toolbar. Use the button to pin graphics or photos from different online sites.

15. Install a Pinterest icon on your website or blog

Most blogs and websites have social sharing plugins or widgets to install so that owners can share their content on their Pinterest boards.

The best advice an ecommerce business owner could ever get about pinterest for business. #ecommercemarketing #ecommercemarketingstrategy #ecommercetips #pinteresttips

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Laura Rike
Laura Rike is a Pinterest Powerhouse. She helps high-performing business owners, content creators & influencers (like YOU) grow PROFITABILITY the right way with SUSTAINABLE systems, so you can be found first without tantrums over tech and trading sleep for success. She has helped clients and students bring in over 50k+ in revenue month after month. Laura’s clients have become industry leaders with 6-figure and up businesses, most now found on page one of Google and growing sustainably with targeted email leads daily. With over 3.2 Million monthly viewers on Pinterest alone, Laura has been featured as a guest on podcasts like Ultimate Marketer, Twin Cities Collective, and Small Business Revival

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