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You’re a mom who has a ton of things on her plate. Who has time to worry about converting Pinterest traffic to sales? Well, you do if you want to grow your business. Regardless of those who don’t want to appreciate the brilliance that is Pinterest, the social media site is sweeping the sphere. This group of online communicators is not like Facebook and Instagram users, though.

The average Pinterest fan does not set aside hours to sift through posts and comment on things they love or hate. Pinterest users want everything fast and will quickly turn off a business that fails to deliver quickly. You don’t want to be that company.

Read on to get steps on the best ways to turn your Pinterest traffic into cash!

Step #1: Change Your Language

One thing that you need to understand about consumers is that everything is about them. While there is nothing wrong with sharing your perspective on a matter, buyers typically do not want to hear too much about why you think your product is so amazing. After all, you are the seller.

Your website’s language should be about the reader. You should offer the prospective consumer solid ways that the good or service you are offering will improve their lives. Buyers love lists and often respond to content that makes them feel like the center of attention.

Step #2: Make Things Easy

One of the best ways to discourage a would-be Pinterest customer is to give them the runaround. Visitors do not want to sift through several pages on your site to find more information about a product. They definitely do not want to call you to learn about the price.

Despite what a traditional salesman may tell you, people in this day and age want to know how much something costs before contacting the seller. Telling your audience to call you about pricing is a good way to lose them. Such is especially true for Pinterest users who love to pin a good deal. How are they supposed to tell others about your economical prices if you do not list them? Do yourself, and your customers a favor. List the details of your product or service along with their price ranges.

Step #3: Chose to be the “Yes” Woman

No, you don’t want to be a pushover in business. There are certain goals that you must meet to stay afloat. You also do not want to be that person who always says “no.”

Let’s say you offer newcomers a freebie. Let’s also say that they ask for moderations to the already-free deal. Do you become angry and outright reject them? That would be a no!

You never want to turn customers away when converting Pinterest traffic to sales. Instead, you want to leave a good taste in the mouths of future loyal clients by telling them that moderations to the freebie come at a price. Something in the way of, “We can totally do that for you, but at this price,” will tell buyers that you are happy to accommodate them for a bit extra.

As a mompreneur, you must never feel ashamed to introduce the concept of more money. You are, after all, offering a service that comes with years of experience. You are worth your asking price.

[Tweet “As a mompreneur, you must never feel ashamed to introduce the concept of more money. @laurarike”]

Step #4: Understand the Value of an Opportunity

Some entrepreneurs get discouraged when entering the world of converting Pinterest traffic to sales because of a seeming lack of interest. Many social media users do not respond to invitations to buy things the first time around. They will eventually use your service, though, if given the time and space to think.

The key to understanding the value of opportunity is engagement. Invite skeptics to join your mailing list so that they can see how much of an expert you are in the field. There is also nothing wrong with offering an introductory offer to customers who are on the fence. Sometimes a gentle nudge is all they need to take the plunge.

It is no secret that trying something new is scary. We all have experienced instances where a new product has not rendered the results we were hoping to get. Still, you have to be willing to change certain elements of your website for the sake of converting Pinterest traffic to sales. You will be fine so long as you remember to make things convenient.

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Are you reading this, thinking I don’t have the time to add one more thing to my strategy – BUT you know that Pinterest can help your business, then this is for you. I offer full management packages to bloggers, entrepreneurs and/or corporate brands. My services are best for those who are ready to hand off their daily pinning strategy & design so they can focus back on creating products or services for their ever-growing following.

To learn more about my services please click here to email me so we can determine the best Pinterest management package that will fit your needs or simply sign up for a free consultation https://calendly.com/lauramrike/30-min-consult


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Laura Rike
Laura Rike is a Pinterest Powerhouse. She helps high-performing business owners, content creators & influencers (like YOU) grow PROFITABILITY the right way with SUSTAINABLE systems, so you can be found first without tantrums over tech and trading sleep for success. She has helped clients and students bring in over 50k+ in revenue month after month. Laura’s clients have become industry leaders with 6-figure and up businesses, most now found on page one of Google and growing sustainably with targeted email leads daily. With over 3.2 Million monthly viewers on Pinterest alone, Laura has been featured as a guest on podcasts like Ultimate Marketer, Twin Cities Collective, and Small Business Revival

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