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Entrepreneurs today are busier than ever before. Even those who choose to be stay at home moms tend to add in an extra revenue stream.

If you are trying to grow your own business or a new revenue stream, then Pinterest and other social media are a must.

But can you figure out how to use Pinterest to your advantage yourself?
Or do you need a Pinterest coach?
Find out how to tell if you could benefit from Pinterest coaching to guide your strategy.

You Could Do It Yourself, But It Will Be Hard

Put simply, you could just create your own Pinterest strategy and hope for the best. This option, however, would not be business savvy. You will face obstacles along the way, including wasted time that you could be spending on something else. If you were to try to use Pinterest to promote your blog or business yourself, there would be a lot of trial and error. That’s why it’s important to understand what Pinterest is used for and social media management for Pinterest

Unfortunately, there simply are not many free online resources for Pinterest promotions. This is a severe lack considering the plethora of similar resources for other social media websites. It will probably change in the future, but in the meantime, if you don’t get a Pinterest coach, you will have to figure out how to use Pinterest for business yourself, via trial and error.

A Coach Helps You Focus Your Efforts On Successful Strategies

Trial and error will involve wasting time by trying a range of strategies. After all, you don’t know what will work for you. A Pinterest coach, however, has plenty of experience. They know the types of strategies that produce the best results for each situation. Whether you own a business or want to use Pinterest for bloggers, they will know the most successful strategies. This lets you use the coach’s knowledge to target your efforts.

That Saves Time

By targeting your efforts on Pinterest, you will be able to save time. Spend that time however you want, whether it is putting in more hours at your main job, bonding with your kids, relaxing with a glass of wine and a good book, or anything else. Or you could even use that free time to find yet another revenue stream.

A Pinterest Coach Will Use Their Experience To Your Advantage With Customization

The bottom line is that when you hire a Pinterest coach, they will be able to harness their experiences and use them to your advantage. Coaches can help you with every aspect of your Pinterest strategy.

They will help you choose the best images from your blog to pin. They will help you select the ideal Pinterest hashtags. They can provide advice on creating Pinterest boards and how to help your Pinterest content rise in popularity, therefore boosting your business or blog.

Best of all, all the information you get from Pinterest coaching will be tailored to your specific needs instead of being one-size-fits-all advice. This targeted approach will dramatically improve your results.

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Laura Rike
Laura Rike is a Pinterest Powerhouse. She helps high-performing business owners, content creators & influencers (like YOU) grow PROFITABILITY the right way with SUSTAINABLE systems, so you can be found first without tantrums over tech and trading sleep for success. She has helped clients and students bring in over 50k+ in revenue month after month. Laura’s clients have become industry leaders with 6-figure and up businesses, most now found on page one of Google and growing sustainably with targeted email leads daily. With over 3.2 Million monthly viewers on Pinterest alone, Laura has been featured as a guest on podcasts like Ultimate Marketer, Twin Cities Collective, and Small Business Revival

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