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It seems like such a straightforward question. It can almost appear insulting in its simplicity: Are you committed to your business success?
It probably wouldn’t take even a millisecond between the question and response for most of us.
‘Of course I’m committed,’ you might say. Very committed.

After all, you devoted a ton of time, so much energy and a whole lot of money getting your business to where it is now.
That’s not even counting all the courses taken, trainings attended, networking done or the pre-COVID travel across the country you did just to help you reach that business success.
And it doesn’t even include all of the emails written, funnels studied (or thought about), and worry over who was gaining momentum in your space.

Not to mention the authority building, traffic getting and language learning (tripwire, landing pate, CTR, etc.) you did.
For many people – maybe even you – you worked so hard trying to reach that first rung on your own personal success ladder that it was a huge relief when you finally achieved it.
I know that was true for me.
The products and services you sell took some time and attention to create. It didn’t happen overnight. Not one of them.
Sales pages were made. Funnels built. Autoresponder sequences written. Content created. The whole ball of business success wax.
You’ve tweaked and fine-tuned and given up only to try again so many times that you are relieved that no one knows exactly how many except for you. (Maybe not even you any more).
It proves just how committed you are to your business success, doesn’t it?
But that’s just it.
What if being committed to your business success is the very thing preventing you from reaching an entirely new height in your business?
What if being committed to your business success is actually holding you back?

It’s natural to be committed. We all at some level want success.
And then who in their right mind, once having reach success, wants to jeopardize it?
It took so long to happen and required so much from you. It’s natural to want to hold on to it.
But too often, that means you keep doing the same things you’ve been doing hoping to get the same results.
Only unlike that phrase attributed to Albert Einstein that suggests that doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity, you want to keep doing the same thing to get the same results.
Because the results are working.
That’s the success.
And you want the success to keep coming.
Who wouldn’t?
That’s why you keep seeing one-on-one clients. Or offer the same things you’ve been offering. Or going after that tried-and-true (even if slightly unappreciative) market.
At some level, it actually IS working.
But to get to the next level, you can’t keep doing the same things. Doing the same things in the same way will prevent you from reaching that next level.
Which really means … you can’t be committed to business success.
It requires something more – something different.
Being committed to your business success likely means that you are committed to doing the same things that got you here. You’ve likely got your hands in everything, either doing or micro-managing it all, and you’re afraid of what would happen if you take your eyes off the business success prize.
Because that’s what you know. That’s what works.
And you understandably want it to keep working.
You’re committed.
But being committed to business success often, over time, shows up as playing it safe.
And playing it safe prevents you from pushing the envelope a little, stops you from stepping out of your comfort zone and into your zone of genius and stalls you from sharpening your cutting edge.
Which means that your business stays successful.
But you never touch what your – or your business’ – potential is.

Now I’m not advocating chasing after shiny objects. And I’m not suggesting you should move forward with reckless abandon. I wouldn’t even bet the entire farm on a long shot.
Yet one of the things I know most from having brought my business from keeping me comfortable to making my dreams come true is that nothing great settles for success.
There’s so much more out there.
And when we strategically head for more than mere success, opportunities open like never before. Because our sights change, what we look for and expect changes. And when that happens, our way of orienting changes.
So don’t settle for success.
Let go of that commitment.
Set your sights on something far higher.
Because your business can make your wildest dreams come true. I know – its exactly what’s happening for me.
Make a plan.
Get strategic.
Uncover and effectively leverage your zone of genius.
Because after all, there’s a lot more than just success at stake here.
There’s a future of happily ever after.
But you have to go for it.
And your time to do so is now.
P.S. If you’re ready for more but not sure how to get there, drop a comment and let me know
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