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The secret to establishing stability and increasing your monthly cash flow may all come down to attitude & anchoring their mindset.

Positivity can be tough to foster when you’re in a negative situation, but it’s essential. If you focus on what’s wrong, it’s almost impossible to get motivated. Instead, your financial focus needs to be aimed at finding solutions.

Don’t forget when you turn that frown mindset upside down and start to live the life you were meant to, you need to affirm the investments your clients make in you. Help them remember why they chose you and help them solidify their commitment to your products or services.

I am going to give you a few powerful money mindset questions to ask yourself to keep yourself in check and how to help your clients remember why they said YES to you in the first place.

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The secret to establishing stability and increasing your monthly cash flow may all come down to your attitude and anchoring your mindset.


We all know what mindset means and it can be one of those roller coaster type of things, but positivity can be tough to foster. When you’re in a negative situation. It doesn’t matter where you are, who you are or what you’re doing for business. Sometimes we feel the negativity in life, but it’s essential to be able to control that. So if you focus on what’s wrong all the time, it’s almost impossible to be able to get motivated again in your business. Instead, your financial focus in your business needs to be aimed at finding solutions and fostering positivity instead of focusing on why that sale didn’t happen.


Don’t forget that when you turn that frown mindset upside down to start to live the life you were meant to be, you want to make sure you also at that side of things affirm the investments your clients making you help them remember why they chose to work with you or purchase from you and solidify that commitment to your products or services right then in there from the beginning. So I want to give you a couple powerful mindset questions to be able to ask yourself to keep yourself in check so that you can help your clients remember why they said yes to you in the first place and also help you push past that negative mindset in terms of your scaling your monthly revenue and how to sustain that scaling right.


Everybody wants to scale, and everybody has a purpose in their business. So one of the things that I want to talk to you guys about today is figuring out what the fear is that you have about your finances. What scares you? Why do you have the fear in your business of scaling or bringing in more money? Why do you feel like that push is so strong right now for you?


We all have mindset fears, right? It doesn’t matter if it’s about finances, if it’s about sustainability, if it’s about if you being good enough, like we all feel the fears. But one thing we don’t often admit it out loud.


So for me personally, I’ve always had a fear of money. It’s always been a thing because I made the leap from going full time to staying at home and we had kids we have a house and like all the things right but one of the things I wasn’t thinking about was why is that fear coming up?


Why am I afraid? Because if we think about it, it doesn’t matter. You’re not going to lose your house tonight. You’re not going to die if that client doesn’t purchase that outfit from you. Those are the things that we really want to think about.


The secret to establishing stability and increasing your monthly cash flow may all come down to your attitude and anchoring your mindset.


I want you guys to focus on the powerful ability that you guys have. When you look at a situation you’re in, in a different light, right? So what do you believe about earning money? Is that something that you struggle with? Did you grow up with a past where money wasn’t valued in the way that you want to value it today?


How did you feel or how do you feel about debt? Are you in debt? Are you trying to pay off debt? Are you out of debt? Like how are these things feeling for you, right?


Instead of thinking of them in that way and being afraid of it, like, Oh my gosh, this payment is coming up. I don’t know how I’m going to take care of it. Two things. One: God never gives you more than you can handle ever there is there’s always going to be a situation and a reason for what he’s giving you. He always knows that you can handle it. It may be really rough, and you may struggle and you may feel like you’re dying, but you’re not dying. So think about that too, like you’re never given more than you can handle.


And then the other side to think about is also like how to change that, right? So I’m constantly talking to my kids about their mindset. And like my one son, he’s 11 and he comes to me all the time…


Mom, I gotta do the dishwasher again.

I’m like, buddy, you don’t have to do the dishwasher again. You get to do the dishwasher again. Right?


Think about it last time you did the dishwasher. Did you die?


So for those of you who don’t know, that’s in a movie, it’s a movie reference total joke in our house all the time. But like, seriously, you guys are not going to die.


We use this example earlier, one of my inner circle members. Miranda didn’t reach out to somebody because she didn’t know they messaged her and she just came to me this month frustrated. She was like Laura I don’t know if I should reach out to this person because it’s been two years and she didn’t reach out to them.  I tried to help change her mindset on the situation. Just respond to them with integrity. Push past the fear, tell them you’re sorry and then offer how you can help them because they were interested then, they may still be now. They were coming to her asking for help. And they were interested in her services. So I said, you need to send that email. Don’t be afraid to send that email. Don’t let the fear hold you back from setting up a scalable situation that you can sustain. So she emailed them and I literally found out today you guys that when she kicked fear in the but, she now has them booked in one of her programs, two years later! No, she would have held back and been like, Okay, I’m scared because or I’m afraid that they’ll say or they’re not going to want to play. Once you push past that you never know what can happen.


The other thing I want you guys to do is I want you guys to set intentions every day. You start your day with an intention. I love words of affirmation and intentions. A little fun fact for you. If you don’t know, affirmation for kids is my side love, where we do affirmations for my kids. It’s been a godsend in our life, but I also set my intentions with posting notes. The reason I do this is because it keeps me in check. So one of my intentions for today was send five encouraging notes to people that I’m connected with not caring about selling with them, not caring about how I’m going to get something out of it. I just didn’t do it purely to make that connection. And who knows, maybe it helps them maybe they’re feeling unmotivated today, maybe they’re needing something I offered today. If I wouldn’t have connected with them, just sending them an encouraging note, or telling them how I saw something that I really liked, or whatever, like being genuine with them, they would have connected with somebody else you don’t know. So just push past that fear, a set true integrity intentions. Then as you start to scale because you’re pushing past that fear, make sure that you set the processes up to sustain that scaling.


We are always together working on our mindsets. I’m not a perfect person. I will never 100% have my mindset in check, because there will always be a new fear or anxiety that comes up but it’s how you deal with that fear and anxiety. That helps you scale and sustain when you’re growing.


The secret to establishing stability and increasing your monthly cash flow may all come down to your attitude and anchoring your mindset.

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Laura Rike
Laura Rike is a Pinterest Powerhouse. She helps high-performing business owners, content creators & influencers (like YOU) grow PROFITABILITY the right way with SUSTAINABLE systems, so you can be found first without tantrums over tech and trading sleep for success. She has helped clients and students bring in over 50k+ in revenue month after month. Laura’s clients have become industry leaders with 6-figure and up businesses, most now found on page one of Google and growing sustainably with targeted email leads daily. With over 3.2 Million monthly viewers on Pinterest alone, Laura has been featured as a guest on podcasts like Ultimate Marketer, Twin Cities Collective, and Small Business Revival

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