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It is good to set big goals and dream big, but surprisingly many budding entrepreneurs and business people at various stages of business development either don’t or can’t grasp what’s fully required to hit their goals.

Sure, generating a million dollars within five years from start-up with an online business is an awesome goal, and I am not saying you can’t do it. However, do you know what it’s going to truly take to get there without giving away your sleep for that success?

Let’s dive into some tips to help set up the foundations for you to hit your SMART goals time and time again while growing a thriving online business!


Today we’re going to be talking about smart goals… with a twist.

It is a good idea to set big goals and dream big but surprisingly, a lot of entrepreneurs and business minded people at various stages in their business development, don’t grasp fully what’s required to hit those goals.

It’s great to generate or to say that you want to generate a million dollars within five years from startup to online business, but I don’t know that you understand what it’s truly going to take to get there without giving away your sleep for that success. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying you can’t do something like that and that’s not a goal you can’t set, but let’s dive into some tips to help you set up the foundations to create SMART goals time and time again while growing the thriving online business.

Be yourself.

What do I mean by that? We all know that our self is an extension of our business, right? Our businesses, an extension of who we are. No matter how big or small it is, right now, in this present moment, you need to be yourself in that business.

So in all the aspects of setting a SMART goal, make sure that you are being authentic with that goal. You’ve got to be you whether it’s smooth and sophisticated, or whether it’s rough and got an attitude with it. You want to do what works for you so that your audience knows that you are guaranteeing them that this is you!

Over deliver.

When you are writing these smart goals, are you actually over setting yourself up to over deliver?

That’s a question you have to ask yourself. When you set benchmarks for yourself, for your products and your services in your SMART goals, and then you try to exceed them because that’s a part of what you want to be doing. You don’t want to just hit those goals, you want to be able to over deliver for your clients, right? Is that factored into those tasks and those activities that you’re setting up?

When you are saying, I want to hit that million dollar revenue in five years, that’s awesome. Go ahead and go for that, but what are those other benchmark goals that you can set along the way of those five years so that you over deliver not only in your business but in your life. Don’t just launch a program and leave your family high and dry to be like, oh my gosh, that was super stressful. I don’t know how I’m going to continue on now. I can’t launch like this.

Every time like setting yourself up in those SMART goals, to leave yourself room to over deliver for your clients, for your family for yourself, give yourself time to be able to think yourself for the amount of work that you’re putting in.

Focus on serving, not selling.

So you know if I go live on video right now and I all I’m talking about is my products, my services and me this and where you can send me money and blah blah, blah, blah, blah… you’re going to feel that whether I say pay me now or not. You’re going to feel my intentions when going live on video whether or not I say it out loud. So make sure that when you are setting this SMART goal you are setting yourself up to serve your clients.

Your goal can be a monetary value, but you want to also make sure that you’re helping them and you’re celebrating them. Work with them and give them the absolute best you possibly can be giving them. So focus on serving, not selling.

If this is something you struggle with, do me a favor and comment ACCOUNTABILITY below so that I can connect with you and we can talk through ways that you can help focus on serving in your business instead of selling over delivering in your business and showing up authentically in your business.

5 tips for building a successful online business

Meet your customers where they are.

So we all know that when we set a SMART goal we not only have to set up the monetary goal or the goal and the date but we also have to set up the action items that we need to take to hit that goal, whether it’s monetary or not, right? So if we are setting up actions in this goal that are eating up all this time to complete that, but we’re not actually focusing on where our customers are. How is that a SMART goal?

So if your customers aren’t on Facebook Messenger, then why are you working on Facebook Messenger bots?

If your customers aren’t on Twitter, then why are you focusing on scheduling out five tweets a day?

Think about where they are and make sure that you are THOSE  needle moving tasks into your SMART goal so you can truly actually be creating a SMART goal.

Have an attitude of gratitude.

Not only are you setting a goal to be able to hit that you want in your business, but why not celebrate the actions? Why not celebrate the small wins? Why not celebrate the big things to like don’t forget about how you got to that goal and how you exceeded that goal.

Celebrate those things along the way. In the comments below tell me what is one of your wins that you have recently experienced that you are ecstatic about and you want to shout it from the rooftops? I would love to celebrate it with you so that you can have an attitude of gratitude. When you are setting the SMART goals. It doesn’t matter if you’re setting a goal for a million dollars, you celebrate those $7 sales. It doesn’t matter if you’re setting a goal of hiring a virtual assistant team to help take more hours off your plate. If you just saved a half hour even though you’re paying out money that is a goal that you had is to get more time back in your day and you just crushed it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a half hour or five hours, you celebrate those things so that you can recognize what’s actually taking place in your business and how you can improve every time you set a new SMART goal!

If you are someone that is looking for accountability and you need that help to make sure you are being your true authentic self, you’re over delivering in every aspect of your life, your business and where you are online.

You’re focusing on serving and not selling and you always are grateful for everything that’s happening in your life comment ACCOUNTABILITY below. Let’s connect because this is something I love helping people with so that they don’t have to stress themselves out!

5 tips for building a successful online business. It is a good idea to set big goals and dream big but surprisingly, a lot of entrepreneurs and business minded people at various stages in their business development, don't grasp fully what's required to hit those goals. #Pinterest #onlinebusiness #pinterestmarketing

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Laura Rike
Laura Rike is a Pinterest Powerhouse. She helps high-performing business owners, content creators & influencers (like YOU) grow PROFITABILITY the right way with SUSTAINABLE systems, so you can be found first without tantrums over tech and trading sleep for success. She has helped clients and students bring in over 50k+ in revenue month after month. Laura’s clients have become industry leaders with 6-figure and up businesses, most now found on page one of Google and growing sustainably with targeted email leads daily. With over 3.2 Million monthly viewers on Pinterest alone, Laura has been featured as a guest on podcasts like Ultimate Marketer, Twin Cities Collective, and Small Business Revival

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