Pods & Pins:
Pintastic Rockstars

Want 10,897+ more podcast listeners from a SINGLE post?

That my friend is the POWER of Pinterest!

Combining one single pin with the right keywords, you can be found first for your services or products.

Unlike your content having an expiration date in other social media sites, Pinterest will keep working for you LONG AFTER you click 'pin'.

With the right strategy - and as long as your content is relevant and engaging - it will keep SHOWING UP in people's feeds for YEARS!

AND to put the cherry on top, you can take advantage of the awesomeness of Pinterest to double your traffic & sales in LESS THAN 1 hour a week!

You built it, and you have magic to share to make an impact, but no one is listening to it let alone able to find you...

So many podcasters (just like YOU) either ignore Pinterest entirely (because they don't truly understand how it can work for them) or treat it like a social media platform. Well, I've got amazing secret for you: Pinterest is a search engine.

Pinterest doesn't work like a social media platform. You do not need to focus on engaging conversation or building relationships. It’s a discovery tool. Think of Pinterest as not just a search engine, but a search engine that helps your audience discover ideas, advice for something they want to try, solutions for a problem they have or even buy a product or service they desire!

You just need a sliver of the millions of people searching on Pinterest to discover YOUR podcast topics and promptly click over to your site. We can make that happen together - inside Pintastic Rockstars!

What if I told you I grew a podcast to over 500 downloads, helped them monetize and increased their listener audience on 37% on average year over year?!? 

You see Pinterest is the BEST way to connect with people before your competition, establish yourself as an industry leader in your niche, and save oodles of time in your day while still reaching the masses so that you can sky rocket your podcast downloads!

This Pintastic Rockstar program will reduce the anxiety about how to reach that perfect person, give you the clarity and confidence you need to make sure your words are the smack in the face type of keywords to be found first, including call-to-actions that don't make you feel like you stepped into a sleazy marketing arena - so that you can gain back more time in your day without spending energy manually promoting your episodes day in and out!

Featured in:

Social Media Examiner Pinterest
ultimate bundles laura rike

Love Notes From Students:

I had a great experience with Laura. She gave me the opportunity to provide all my specific questions in advance, then we did a phone session to clarify what was most important to me to get out of my coaching investment. After that, she created a very comprehensive video training that was based on the questions I'd provided, so it completely addressed all of my needs! After the session and the video, I felt so much more comfortable using Pinterest for my specific business goals. (Laura was also kind enough to answer an urgent late-night question I had just prior to my launch, which was unexpected but so very appreciated!). I wouldn't hesitate to engage Laura again in the future! ~ Jennifer Reitmeyer

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Maria Campbell

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Ronald Edwards

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Helen Roberts

🥳 Finally... A Solution!

I completely love how Laura Rike teaches. Actually, I am a college professor let me say Laura has what it takes to coach and train because she explains "techie concepts" into bite size pieces easy to follow and apply! Completely looking forward to learning how to market on Pinterest and utilize my Facebook Live videos on multiple platforms. You're totally awesome Laura! ~ Felicia Golden Grimes

What is all included:

Complete FULL ProgramGet access to my full program (updated Nov 2024) walking you from start to finish of all the foundations needed for a stellar Pinterest profile and organic strategy. You don’t have to waste your time testing out new strategies to keep up with the Platform changes - because we only bring you the most updated action plans that have been PROVEN to work, month over month. No more overthinking and second-guessing. You’re a confident Pintastic Pin Rockstar.
BONUS AuditsWe will go through and audit an account, provide specific keywords to use, feedback on things to tweak and how to make the most of your account & time.
BONUS Guest Speakers: We will bring in guest speakers to train you in on other parts of your content & funnel strategies you can work on to have a fully fleshed out marketing plan for your brand.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't know anything about Pinterest, will this help me?

Yes! I cover the basics of Pinterest for Business in the first and second modules. The focus is on creating an easy-to-implement strategy that produces amazing results for the time you spend implementing the strategies. 

I have an active Pinterest account, is this worth my investment?

Yes absolutely! Having an account that is active is only one piece of the puzzle. Pintastic also teaches you how to turn your Pinterest traffic into subscribers and hopefully moola. 

How long do I have access to the program?

As long as you are a current member you will get access to everything. Memberships automatically renew each month or year with the option to cancel at anytime. Once you cancel your membership subscription, you will lose access immediately, and no refunds will be given for previous payments.

Pinterest is always changing. Does the course get updated?

I update it every four - six months, plus any minor changes get discussed within the group in between! Students get lifetime access to any updates.

Who’s is this program NOT for?

This program isn’t for you if you’re just blogging as a hobby and don’t need the serious growth in traffic. This is also not for you if you are looking for a quick way to get rich. This takes action and dedication.

Who is Pintastic Rockstars for?

Any level of blogger who wants more traffic. Social media managers & virtual assistants looking to level up & diversify. Shop & business owners who aren't sure if Pinterest works for their niche, but looking to scale!

Learn the strategies for growing an organic account that converts, no matter what changes occur in the algorithm!

Pods & Pins: Pintastic Rockstars

© 2025 Copyright Laura Rike and SimplyPintastic®.  All Rights Reserved.