Pintastic® Organic Amplifier

Imagine being in a rowboat with a tiny paddle, lost in the vast ocean that is Pinterest.

You paddle tirelessly but progress is slow and direction uncertain. That's what trying to navigate Pinterest without the right guidance feels like. But with Pintastic® Organic Amplifier, it's like trading your paddle for a powerful motor. Suddenly, you're zipping through the water, heading straight towards your destination.

I know where you have been my friend...

In the dawn's gentle light on a brisk April morning in 2019, a revelation struck me like a bolt of lightning during my daily rendezvous with my coffee cup. This revelation wasn't just an eye-opener, it was the key to catapulting my business into a stratosphere of growth I hadn't even dared to dream about.

I, like many of you, was entangled in the never-ending dance of doing everything. Seeking the elusive it that would revolutionize my marketing efforts. I was stuck, desperately trying to scale, but the summit remained frustratingly out of reach.

Inspired by my coach, and a personal vow to pay for my own wedding in cash, I dared to step outside my comfort zone. I turned my attention towards an underutilized platform - Pinterest and decided to explore its ad system to enhance my email list, hoping to find quality leads who would resonate with my message.

Little did I know, this small leap of faith was all it would take.

By the time July 19th, 2019, rolled around, I was staring wide-eyed at my screen - a 300% surge in website traffic, a swarm of new, engaged customers, all gravitating towards my business like bees to a vibrant blossom. All of this extraordinary growth, thanks to the power I unlocked with Pinterest ads.

And the sweetest cherry on top? I proudly paid for my wedding in cold, hard cash!

Now, I stand at the helm of the Pintastic® Organic Amplifier, extending my hand out to you. Because I know what it's like to feel lost in the marketing wilderness, and I've discovered a path that leads to a sunny clearing of success. I invite you to step into this sunlit space where your content doesn't just survive - it thrives.

"I signed my first 1:1 client who specifically came through Pinterest, so that was pretty exciting!"


So... how do I finally succeed on Pinterest without sacrificing my personal life?

Before you complete this coaching:

You feel like you're drowning in the sea of marketing strategies, unsure which direction to take. The countless options available only add to your confusion, leaving you feeling lost and overwhelmed.
Despite pouring your time, energy, and resources into various marketing tactics, the return is far from satisfactory. You're tired of spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.
It feels like your business is invisible. You're creating amazing content, but it's not getting the visibility or engagement it deserves, leaving you feeling disheartened.
The lack of significant results from your marketing efforts is impacting your revenue. The financial stress is becoming increasingly burdensome and you're questioning the sustainability of your business.

After you've completed this coaching:

You feel empowered with a clear, effective strategy in hand. You're no longer aimlessly wandering in the marketing wilderness but have a roadmap that leads straight to success.
Seeing your website traffic and engagement rates surge gives you a newfound sense of confidence. You're excited to create and share content, knowing it's reaching your target audience and sparking meaningful interactions.
Your business is no longer lost in the vast digital landscape. It's attracting the right people, your content is being shared, and your community is growing. You feel seen and heard.
With the increase in engagement and new customer influx, your financial stress starts to alleviate. You're making money from your business, relieving the burden and creating a sustainable future.

Pintastic® Organic Amplifier

A results-driven program that doubles your traffic in 30 days WITHOUT tech overwhelm!

My proven 4 easy-to-use step framework:

This coaching program is designed for ambitious entrepreneurs and business owners who are seeking to unlock the full potential of Pinterest to drive targeted traffic, increase brand visibility, and achieve significant business growth with Pinterest organically.


Discover the potential of Pinterest and understand how it can elevate your business.

Branding clarity and knowing how to stand out
Defining your ideal audience
Goal setting and how to offer value or pain 


Learn the intricacies of Pinterest, from setting up your account to understanding analytics.

Profile optimization,  finding the holes, pin hacking & foundations
Keyword targeting, trends, search and board planner
Canva designs & how to schedule with tailwind


Formulate a strategic plan to implement into your marketing mix.

Interval pinning and content strategy
Titles and descriptions for massive conversions & traffic
A/B Testing organically on Pinterest


Learn to troubleshoot problems and adapt your strategy based on analytic results to elevate your progress and success.

Set Up Custom Dashboard for reporting to track growth
UTM codes for google analytics tracking
Knowing when to repurpose content & installing pixels

Gain confidence with a clear brand identity and voice, resonating deeply with your target audience.

Experience relief with a seamless, system boosting your visibility and customer engagement.

Feel empowered with a proven Pinterest strategy, skyrocketing your web traffic and conversions.

Enjoy financial freedom as our scaling tactics amplify your growth, increasing revenue and profitability.

Bonuses you'll get if you join today:

Bonus #1

Case Studies of Successful Pinterest Strategies

Real-world applications and successes for inspiration and models to follow.

Bonus #2

Templates and Worksheets

These resources streamline the ad creation process, while aiding in time commitment and your ease of implementation.

Bonus #3

Private Community Access

An exclusive community of like-minded learners to gain insights from each other, network, and receive support.

"We've been working with Laura for the last few weeks and it's been great so far! She's super responsive, organized, and effective at what she teaches! We're excited to watch this soar moving forward!"

John Parkes Clickfunnels

Pintastic® Organic Amplifier

Think of Pinterest as a magnetic force field, drawing your ideal audience towards your brand like iron filings to a powerful magnet. With its visually captivating pins and engaged community, Pinterest becomes your secret weapon, attracting a flood of traffic, leads, and loyal customers. Unlock this magnetic power and watch your business thrive like never before.

Organic Amplifier


One time

Leverage Pinterest as a lead-generating platform and open the potential for increased business growth and profitability.

Personalized Strategy Development
Access to Proven Frameworks
Accountability and Reviews
Community Support


Organic + Ads
full Mentorship


One Time

Leverage Pinterest as a platform to reach a wider audience as a revenue-generating platform and open the potential for increased business growth and profitability.

Personalized Strategy Development
Access to Proven Frameworks
Accountability and Reviews
Holistic Business Growth Plan (organic + ads strategy)
Comprehensive Performance Analysis (organic + ads strategy)

These customers can't be wrong

Extremely Helpful

"Thank you so much for this, it has been extremely helpful! I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you."

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"Great service! I'm really happy that finally got to know what I have to do to improve my Pinterest to start getting actual results with my strategy. I definitely recommend Laura"

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"I'm pretty impressed! Thank you so so so much for helping out this clueless pinner!"


I designed this mentorship for you..

This is PERFECT for you if:

You know building a successful presence on Pinterest is a long-term investment.
You believe Pinterest can drive conversions and sales, leading to business growth and profitability.
You know data-driven decisions can improve your Pinterest performance and lead to better results.
You are open to embracing change on Pinterest that is necessary for your growth and staying ahead through coaching.

This is NOT for you if:

You want instant results and don't want to invest time and effort in the long term.
You are comfortable with your current strategies and don't want to change.
You don't have time to analyze data and make informed decisions.
You don't think you can achieve significant personal transformation, or open to change through coaching.

You are only one click away from success

I know where you've been...

Once, as an ambitious entrepreneur that I am, I ventured into the world of online marketing, seeking to create a thriving membership program. However, I struggled to attract the right audience and consistent revenue for my now retired program Rockstar Rebels.

That all changed when I discovered the untapped potential of Pinterest ads, which transformed my business and life. The growth was phenomenal, and I achieved something extraordinary - my dream wedding fully funded by Pinterest's impact with a new rebranded program - teaching the same principals of the rebels program.

Today, I stand as an industry leader with a 7-figure business, and helping other businesses do the same. Embrace the transformative power of the Pinterest, and together, we will set sail toward remarkable business growth. Pinterest will be your guiding star, unlocking your treasure trove of customers and amplifying your brand visibility. The adventure awaits – are you ready?


Our most asked questions

Who is this for?

This program is specially crafted for passionate entrepreneurs, small business owners, and marketers who want to tap into the power of Pinterest to grow their business but are currently lost or overwhelmed with the complexity of the platform. If you're ready to take a decisive leap towards Pinterest success, the Pintastic Organic Amplifier is your ideal mate!

How is this delivered?

The Pintastic Organic Amplifier is delivered through a combination of easy-to-follow video modules, a supportive community, and personalized coaching sessions. This blended approach ensures you get the knowledge, support, and practical experience you need to see real results.

Why did I create this coaching program?

I created the Pintastic Organic Amplifier to be your lighthouse in the foggy landscape of Pinterest marketing. We've been there, we know how daunting it can be to make your mark amidst millions of pins. This program embodies our belief that everyone deserves to feel successful, happy, and respected in the online world. We're here to show you the path, so you can build your empire without losing sleep or joy.

What results have others been able see?

From business owners barely making a blip on Pinterest to becoming Pinterest superstars, our clients have achieved outstanding results. They've doubled, tripled, even quadrupled their organic traffic, grown their follower base, and significantly boosted their monthly revenue. While each person's journey is unique, many of our clients start seeing positive shifts in their Pinterest performance within the first few weeks. Significant results usually become visible in about 2-3 months.

Got more questions? Ask us...

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