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Did you know 98% of pinners have bought something they’ve found from Pinterest?  If you haven’t considered promoting your pins on Pinterest now is the time. Promoting your pins puts them in front of a warm, targeted audience who’s ready to buy. 

Here’s how to get started.

Should i be promoting my content on pinterest? | find out here

What Are Promoted Pins on Pinterest?

Promoted pins are pins that are targeted to specific audiences. They show up on pinners’ feeds and can be shared and saved just like regular pins. The only difference is the “promoted” label which shows up on the pin. 

promoted pins on Pinterest

And actually, when the pin is shared and repinned, the promoted label disappears and any subsequent traffic is free. Bonus!

How Does Promoted Pins Work?

If you’d like to be able to show your pins to a more targeted audience, here are the step-by-step instructions on how to create a promoted pin.

  1. Create a Business Account
  2. Install a Pinterest tag to track actions people take on your website after they view your pin.
  3. Choose a campaign goal.

    There are 4 options including:
    Build Brand Awareness 
    Increase Video Views
    Consideration (Generate traffic to your website)
    Conversions (Generate leads and sales on your site)
    Catalog sales (Generate sales from e-commerce shop profiles)
promoted pins on Pinterest
  1. Insert your campaign budget
promoted pins on Pinterest
  1. Create an ad group. This allows you to categorize your ads and perform split testing.
  2. Choose your target audience
  3. Select your ad placement:
    Browse Placement will connect ads with pinners’ interests
    Search Placement will connect ads with keywords
  1. Add Interests and Keywords for more accurate targeting
  2. Set your budget and schedule
  3. Optimization and Delivery. This allows you to set your maximum bid or how much you are willing to pay per CPM. The minimum bid is $2.
  4. Set your Pacing:
    Standard pacing will spread out your budget more slowly
    Accelerated pacing is better for launches and will use your budget more quickly
  1. Add your pins to your ad group, 2-4 per group.
  2. Monitor your campaign 

And that’s it!  Of course you do need to monitor the analytics and make adjustments as needed too. 

Are Promoted Pins Worth It?

People use Pinterest to shop. It is the only social media platform where people intentionally come to buy the things they see and are open to trying new things. It is the perfect place to get your products in front of a warm audience who’s ready to spend money. 

To make your promoted pins worth it, spend some time creating beautiful images, clear, compelling descriptions and call-to-actions.  Make the branding on your website match your pin. And make sure your link fulfills the promises you make in your pin. 

With great promoted pins you can increase sales and conversions.

Looking for more support with your promoted pins?

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Laura Rike
Laura Rike is a Pinterest Powerhouse. She helps high-performing business owners, content creators & influencers (like YOU) grow PROFITABILITY the right way with SUSTAINABLE systems, so you can be found first without tantrums over tech and trading sleep for success. She has helped clients and students bring in over 50k+ in revenue month after month. Laura’s clients have become industry leaders with 6-figure and up businesses, most now found on page one of Google and growing sustainably with targeted email leads daily. With over 3.2 Million monthly viewers on Pinterest alone, Laura has been featured as a guest on podcasts like Ultimate Marketer, Twin Cities Collective, and Small Business Revival

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